Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Adjusting to Life

    I have survived my first NH winter! I grew up in the Midwest, so I know snow; I know ice; I know frigid, below zero temperatures. I’ve experienced that. But it’s different in NH. I don’t ever recall seeing this much snow at one time. This winter, I have shoveled more snow than I have…

  • Intricacies of the Adjustment

    When people begin chiropractic care in our office, we find they can have a wide range of “chiropractic history” prior to walking through our doors. What I mean by “chiropractic history” is a range of having been under ongoing chiropractic care previously in their life to having never been to a chiropractor before and everything…

  • Meet Dr. John

    While Dr. John isn’t able to adjust any longer, he brings a great deal of structural understanding and fitness knowledge to Crossroads Chiropractic. Maybe you’ve seen him around our office, or at the local gyms in Concord, he keeps memberships at two! Dr. John is a fully licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in the States of…

  • Wardrobe Woes

    There are three items in your closet that could be causing your spine extra distress. The first is likely no surprise. And I have to admit that I’m a bit guilty here too. After all, as a vertically challenged female, I can appreciate the height gained by wearing high heels. (I also love the many…

  • Raising Kind Kids

    Spend some time online (Facebook, any comment section) and you’ll notice a lot of negativity. More than negativity you’ll notice a lot of unkindness. Heck, you’ll find some flat out jerks. The obvious reason this happens is because it’s easy to spout off or be rude from the safety of a keyboard.  In person, most…

  • Spring has Sprung…Are YOU Ready?

    Even though it may be gray, cold, windy and yet another wintry mix outside my window as I type this, in my mind Spring is finally here! We have flipped the calendar to March and “sprung ahead” with our time change, which gives us light later into the night. I don’t know about you, but…

  • Do You Have A Healthy Spine?

    It’s no surprise that misalignments in the spine are caused by traumas such as sports impacts, car accidents, falls and work related injuries. However, poor posture, bad sleep positions and daily hours spent sitting at a computer are equally dangerous to your spinal health. Spinal misalignments (called subluxations) negatively impact the integrity of the spine…

  • You Are What You Eat

    You work hard at keeping a healthy lifestyle you work out, have positive mind set, get adjusted and eat healthy. Now a days eating healthy can be a confusing endeavor, even if you are consuming fruits and vegetables they may not be healthy for you. If the foods that you are eating are not GMO…

  • Don’t miss our next event

    Don’t miss our next event

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venenatis dignissim ultrices. Suspendisse ut sollicitudin nisi. Fusce efficitur nec nunc nec bibendum. Praesent laoreet tortor quis velit facilisis faucibus. Maecenas sollicitudin lectus diam, non vehicula arcu ullamcorper ac. In pharetra, est vitae interdum tincidunt, urna ligula rutrum tellus, sit amet pharetra purus magna eu enim.…

  • A day at the office

    A day at the office

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venenatis dignissim ultrices. Suspendisse ut sollicitudin nisi. Fusce efficitur nec nunc nec bibendum. Praesent laoreet tortor quis velit facilisis faucibus. Maecenas sollicitudin lectus diam, non vehicula arcu ullamcorper ac. In pharetra, est vitae interdum tincidunt, urna ligula rutrum tellus, sit amet pharetra purus magna eu enim.…

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