Spring has Sprung…Are YOU Ready?

Even though it may be gray, cold, windy and yet another wintry mix outside my window as I type this, in my mind Spring is finally here! We have flipped the calendar to March and “sprung ahead” with our time change, which gives us light later into the night. I don’t know about you, but for me these simple manmade changes help me to overcome the doldrums of winter (even if Mother Nature is still slinging winter weather our way).

New motivation always seems to creep in when I feel like winter is loosening its grip and sunnier times are ahead for us. I find myself cleaning my home a bit more deeply and throwing open my windows (even if it’s *only* a high of 43 degrees, which feels downright tropical after all that below freezing we had) to let fresh air in and the stale thoughts of winter out. Along with the thoughts of sunnier weather ahead comes a slight panic moment when I remember I’m just coming out of hibernation mode. Now I know we all start the new year with great intentions of eating healthier, losing weight, exercising more, blah, blah, blah. Realistically though, majority of us do not stick those resolutions (or whatever you called them) more than a few days or a couple weeks at best. Let’s face it, the dark, dreary, cold days led us to curling up on our couches, eating our favorite comfort foods while watching mindless tv or our favorite movies in order to forget about the fact winter was raging outside. This hibernation mode has made me–let’s just say– a bit ‘softer’ than maybe I like to be. It’s also left me in not the best physical condition I can be in. Maybe it’s the same with you?

Once that slight panic moment recedes and I remember that spring is here, that new motivation I gain from sunnier days ahead bounces back to me. In the simple (mind game) fact that it’s now March and lighter out later, I find the resolve to get off my rear and get moving. Many of you may have recently participated in the February Fitness Challenge we held yet maybe you’re looking for more exercises to do. For me, every spring brings about a typical yearning for me: to begin running again. Notice I stated the words *to begin running again*. Yes, each year I start running/jogging again only to lose motivation when the weather begins to turn. (I sound like I hate winter, which oddly enough I don’t really) There’s possibly some of you out there that want to begin running again, or perhaps start running for the first time ever! You may be thinking, “but I have no idea how to begin running or training”…have no fear, there are many easy, user friendly, beginner running programs out there. You’ve probably heard someone say they are participating or doing a Couch to 5K program. These programs are designed for people who haven’t run before ( or in a long time) and over the course of typically 8 weeks gets them ready to run their first 5K race. Now you don’t have to enter a race, but it’s always nice to have a goal that you’re working towards to help with the motivation. (or perhaps you’re motivation is swimsuit season coming up). Don’t worry, the programs begin with you walking and gradually work you up to running more. Here are a few different websites that lay out workout schedules for a Couch to 5K program:

www.halhigdon.com (look for the novice 5K training schedule)

www.coolrunning.com (look for Couch to 5K; C25K program)

Of course, it’s always more fun and easier to stay motivated when you’re not doing it alone, so team up with some friends or co-workers and challenge each other!

Crossroads also has some upcoming workshops that I know I’m excited about because they fit right in with my new found motivation to get moving and be healthier. Keep a look out for our upcoming Cleanse Info Workshop at the end of March which will inform you on the benefits of detoxing & cleansing your body. Doing the Cleanse would give you a great start to our Paleo Challenge which is coming up later in the spring; the informational workshop on that will be in April. We are also holding our first ever Bikini Boot Camp in the beginning of June to help you make sure you’re in shape for all of your summer adventures. If any or all of these are of interest to you, don’t hesitate to call the office and reserve your spot to ensure you keep the motivation to be healthy going! (Bring along that friend or co-worker you’re doing all this with too!).

Here’s to prolonged daylight, sunnier times and a joyful spring and summer ahead for us all!

In Health,

Dr. Jen





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