Do You Have A Healthy Spine?

It’s no surprise that misalignments in the spine are caused by traumas such as sports impacts, car accidents, falls and work related injuries. However, poor posture, bad sleep positions and daily hours spent sitting at a computer are equally dangerous to your spinal health.

Spinal misalignments (called subluxations) negatively impact the integrity of the spine and the function of the nervous system. Most people realize that neck pain, back pain and headaches are indicators of a misaligned spine, and quickly seek the help of a chiropractor. However, it’s much better not to wait for a pain signal before getting adjusted. Vertebral subluxations can be painless, just like a dental cavity, until significant damage is done.

Years of training and experience, along with advanced analysis techniques and x-rays, enable Doctors of Chiropractor to detect vertebral misalignments, even before symptoms begin. While it’s best to have your spine evaluated on a regular on-going basis by a Doctor of Chiropractic, there are some simple things you can look for at home to indicate whether or not your spine is healthy.

  1. Check your shoes: Do the heels or the soles of your shoes wear out unevenly?
  2. Do you have to “crack” your neck, back, or other joints a lot?
  3. Do you sit for more than 3 hours at a time during your day?
  4. You can’t twist turn your head or hips to either side easily and equally.
  5. You have played a sport (now or in the past) such as soccer, football, hockey, cheerleading or gymnastics.
  6. Do your arms or hands “go to sleep” when you are lying down or doing certain activities?
  7. You are often fatigued or lack an overall sense of well-being.
  8. Does your foot flare out? Look at your feet as you walk. Do they both point forward, or does one foot appear to flare outward or inward?
  9. You have poor posture. Look at yourself in a mirror. Are your shoulders un-level? Ask another person examine you from the side. Does your head jut out in front of your body?
  10. You have a constant stressful feeling and tension especially in muscles and joints.

If any of the above apply to you, have your spine checked by a qualified Doctor of Chiropractic for vertebral misalignments. The earlier a subluxation is detected and corrected, the better!

In Health,

Dr. Stephanie





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