Chiropractic and Bed Wetting

Sometimes I’m in absolute awe of the power of a single chiropractic adjustment.  Just a few weeks ago a 4-year-old girl presented to our office looking for help with chronic bed wetting.  We’ll call her Marissa for the purpose of today’s blog, as I would never want to embarrass her in the future by publicly sharing her story now.  Whenever Marissa went to sleep, even for an afternoon nap, she would wet the bed.  But Marissa had no problems with toilet training when awake.  Consequently, Marissa’s parents needed to be careful about letting her fall asleep on the family couch or allowing her to crawl into their own bed in the middle of the night.

Bed wetting is a struggle that affects over 5 million children each year.  While bed wetting can be can a sign of underlying medical issues, for most there is no explanation.  Marissa’s mother had tried lots of common solutions without result.  So, after doing some internet research she decided to give Crossroads Chiropractic a call.

We took a complete history, palpated Marissa’s spine and examined her posture.   We also used prone leg checks as an additional indicator of subluxation.  After Marissa’s first adjustment she went almost an entire week with only one incident.  This was a little girl who previously wet the bed without fail every time she went to sleep!  Marissa had another great week following her second adjustment.  However, after missing her third scheduled appointment and going two weeks between adjustments, Marissa unfortunately experienced an increase in her bed wetting.  But once she was adjusted again she had dry week!

This may seem like a small thing, but to Marissa and her family it is life changing.  We’re so excited her new-found confidence, and mom’s ability to sleep through the night without changing sheets.  And we’re looking forward to keeping Marissa subluxation-free and growing healthy for years to come!

Remember, chiropractic adjustments aren’t a treatment for any specific disease or condition.  Chiropractic adjustments realign the spine, removing interference from the nervous system, so the brain and body can communicate clearly.  Just like a good phone signal is necessary for conversation, a static-free line between the brain and body is key to optimal cell function.

Until next time, stay well-adjusted!

In love and health,

Dr. Stephanie





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