Tag: Children

  • ADHD & Chiropractic

    Some people are surprised that we adjust kids. They think that chiropractic is for middle aged folks with back pain.  The thing is, chiropractic is good for those folks.  Great, in fact. But, honestly, it may even be better for kids.  You see, by the time a chiropractor gets their hands on a 45 year…

  • Ear Infections & Chiropractic

    Most parents, at some point, have had to deal with ear infections in their children. My oldest had his first ear infection when he was around 2. He woke up in the middle of the night crying and rubbing his ear, not quite able to voice clearly what was going on. I was in chiropractic…

  • Chiropractic and Bed Wetting

    Sometimes I’m in absolute awe of the power of a single chiropractic adjustment.  Just a few weeks ago a 4-year-old girl presented to our office looking for help with chronic bed wetting.  We’ll call her Marissa for the purpose of today’s blog, as I would never want to embarrass her in the future by publicly…

  • Why Chiropractic Care Can Benefit Pregnant Moms

    Every pregnant woman strives to make the healthiest choices for their developing babies through-out the course of pregnancy. Chiropractic care is quickly becoming a huge choice in having a healthy pregnancy. It’s a no brainer that during the course of pregnancy, a Mom’s body goes through numerous changes. These changes are not only hormonal/biochemical changes…

  • Sports and Subluxation

    Sports and Subluxation

    When we announced that Crossroads was holding an art contest, I expected we would get some creative entries.  Topic choice was “draw yourself getting adjusted” or “draw what causes your subluxations.”  While we had some awesome pictures entered, this one caught my eye.   There is no doubt in my mind that sports is a…

  • Vaccine Awareness Week

    From the Blog of Crossroads Chiropractic – www.CrossroadsChiropractic.com It’s Vaccine Awareness week!  Are you making informed decisions for yourself and your family?  Vaccination is a medical decision not to be taken lightly.  Serious side effects can occur and long term safety is really unknown.  In fact, there is question whether vaccines are truly effective.  I…

  • Breathe Easy

    After more than eleven years in practice, I have noticed a trend. I can’t explain it, but it happens. It seems that multiple practice members will present on the same day or in the same week with similar problems. For example, one week it may be the “hot-low-back week,” a few unrelated grown men near…

  • Asthma and Chiropractic

    With the spring/summer season upon us, many parents will start to comment on the increase in the asthma symptoms their children are experiencing. Whether this is noticed more because of the increase in outdoor physical activities, or the seasonal plants and grasses appearing that most people attribute to asthma and allergies, the fact is asthma…

  • Raising Healthy Children

    As a parent, there are so many choices out there about how to raise a healthy child. It even starts prior to birth, with the many choices about how to give birth. I am not a parent yet, however I am hoping to be one day, so I have been researching and thinking long and…

  • How Healthy Would You Be…

    How healthy would you be if? You ate organic fruits and veggies daily… You never ate high fructose corn syrup… You exercised every day… You smiled, laughed and didn’t stress… You didn’t put toxic substances in your body… You prayed and/or meditated daily… You were checked regularly for subluxations from birth? We know that even…

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