Category: Dr. Jen

  • How Amazing Are We?

    Have you ever really, truly stopped to ponder how amazing our bodies really are? I know you’ve heard us say it quite a bit, but truthfully, each of us is a miracle when you think of it. Our bodies perform millions, no, trillions of functions every minute without us ever having to think about it.…

  • What Fills Your Tank?

    I recently had the pleasure to attend a wonderful annual event at my chiropractic alma mater, Sherman College of Chiropractic. While there, I joined a round circle type of discussion led by some amazing women in the chiropractic field. I always love attending this annual event and specifically this discussion group. Not only do I…

  • Intricacies of the Adjustment

    When people begin chiropractic care in our office, we find they can have a wide range of “chiropractic history” prior to walking through our doors. What I mean by “chiropractic history” is a range of having been under ongoing chiropractic care previously in their life to having never been to a chiropractor before and everything…

  • Spring has Sprung…Are YOU Ready?

    Even though it may be gray, cold, windy and yet another wintry mix outside my window as I type this, in my mind Spring is finally here! We have flipped the calendar to March and “sprung ahead” with our time change, which gives us light later into the night. I don’t know about you, but…

  • Still Searching for a Small Change?

    Still Searching for a Small Change?

    Are you still searching for that one small change you can make this year? What if I gave you an idea that could have positive impacts on more than one area of your life? Ready for it…here’s one habit you could change: watch less television Yes, I’m totally serious about this change. Have you stopped…

  • Reflections and Sneak Previews….

    As 2014 draws to a close (wow!) and we welcome in a new year, I’d like to take a moment to reflect upon this past year and give you all a bit of a sneak preview of the new year. It has always been part of Crossroads mission to bring chiropractic to as many people…

  • Why Chiropractic Care Can Benefit Pregnant Moms

    Every pregnant woman strives to make the healthiest choices for their developing babies through-out the course of pregnancy. Chiropractic care is quickly becoming a huge choice in having a healthy pregnancy. It’s a no brainer that during the course of pregnancy, a Mom’s body goes through numerous changes. These changes are not only hormonal/biochemical changes…

  • When Will My Spine Be Perfect?

    One of the questions I hear a lot as a Chiropractor is “When will my spine be perfect? When will it be good enough that I don’t ever have to get adjusted again?”.  When I hear this question, so many thoughts and emotions run through my head at once before I can even begin articulating…

  • The Lure of Hiking

    I love spending time walking through the woods, climbing up and down windswept mountains, and observing life from the higher ground of a mountain-top. It’s far more than just exercise to me; it’s a way to slow down, detach from the ever-bustling high speed pace of today’s life and reconnect with my own thoughts, as…

  • Chiropractic – A Love Bomb for Humanity

    Every so often, when it comes time for my turn to write a blog, I have no idea what to say. Sure, I can write more about chiropractic and how I believe with every fiber of my being that every single person can benefit by receiving regular adjustments. I can explain in different ways how…

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