Still Searching for a Small Change?

Are you still searching for that one small change you can make this year? What if I gave you an idea that could have positive impacts on more than one area of your life? Ready for it…here’s one habit you could change:

watch less television

Yes, I’m totally serious about this change. Have you stopped to think about all the negative impacts that watching television has on our lives? Studies have shown that the average American spends 40 hours a week glued to the tube. 40 HOURS PEOPLE! That’s a whole second work week sitting on our behinds in front of the TV. Just think of what you could accomplish if you watched less…I’m not even saying cut it all together, I’m merely suggesting to begin with watching less. You probably want to know some of the negative impacts TV has on our lives, right? Well, here’s a few to churn around in your mind:

It costs us money: We spend money not only our monthly cable/satellite/dish package, but we also are spending money to power the television, to simply have it on. Even if you cut your time watching it in half, you would be saving money spent on the electricity used to run it. Who wouldn’t want to save money they could use for something else?

TV influences our spending habits: Think about it for a second, all those advertisements that are subliminally suggesting you need that new pair of shoes, those new clothes, furniture, etc. Corporations know their ads work, they know that in some way it will influence how and where you spend your money, whether you want to admit it or not. Who hasn’t bought something and thought after the fact: why did I get this? I don’t really need it. Yes, the mere act of watching TV and being exposed to the commercials will make you more likely to spend money on things you need less. Turn it off and save your money for the things that matter most to you.

It distracts us from REAL people in our lives: Yes, those shows can suck you right in because you need to know what happens next to Joe or Sally, however, they are only pretend people with lives written our on paper. The people that matter the most to you, that are the closest to you, are living their lives now, today. Don’t miss out on time with them because you are glued to a TV set. You can never get back real time spend with the real people you cherish.

It is bad of our health: We have some of the highest obesity rates among all ages in our country. Yes, there’s many reasons for that, however watching too much TV is a contributing factor. People to tend so sit in front of the TV and mindlessly eat unhealthy foods. We’ve all done it. By watching less, you will inherently eat less junk food or be less likely to overeat any food. Watching TV is also a large contributing factor to less life satisfaction. We become filled with the latest news stories that are steeped in fear, we watch shows that are about living unrealistic lifestyles which could leave us unhappy with our own, not to mention all the shows out there about sick lies, deceit and crime. Turning off the TV can help to better balance your mood and possibly your view of the world around you.

Those are just a few of the impacts television can have in your life overall. Now think of all the things you could fill your evenings and weekends with if you watched less of it! Do you have any hobbies you love or that you wanted to start but couldn’t find the time? Cut TV time and just found it. Didn’t feel like you had the time to go on walks with your family or spouse? Stop watching that Thursday night lineup and you’ve just created more meaningful time with those you love while also adding in a healthy habit. By just cutting down the amount of time you spend in front of the TV, your overall health and your life will be improved. If you’re feeling particularly bold: cut the cable subscription altogether.

I guarantee that whatever you choose, the simple small act of watching less television will have big payouts to your overall health and happiness in life.






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