It’s Never Too Late: Seniors and Chiropractic

The majority of Americans over the age of sixty-five take multiple prescriptions daily. Some of these medications are intended to counteract the results of aging as the body begins to break down, but some are prescribed solely to reduce pain. Even if seniors who came in for chiropractic care were only able to reduce their need for pain medications, this would be a huge benefit to them. Chiropractors are able to help individuals overcome many of the aches and pains in joints throughout the body by ensuring they are properly aligned and that bones are in their correct positions, which allows for further range of motion. This in turn can lead to increased comfort in everyday activities, making it more plausible for seniors to stay active, fit, and able to care for themselves more effectively.

The ideal situation would be that everyone received chiropractic care from the time they were born until the time they moved on, but this isn’t reality in many cases. Though it may be too late to undo some of the damage a lifetime of disregard for the spine can cause, it is never too late to make improvements. Even when complete correction of long term spinal shifts is unrealistic, seniors can still benefit greatly from receiving chiropractic care.

One study examined 311 senior chiropractic patients receiving maintenance or wellness care for five years or longer. These patients spent only 31% of the national average for health care services for people in this age range. The patients receiving chiropractic care also visited a medical provider 50% fewer times than their comparable peers. This means that on average, for every thousand dollars a ‘regular’ senior spends on medical care, a senior receiving chiropractic adjustments for five years or longer will typically spend only three hundred ten dollars. Rupert RL, Manello D, Sandefur R “Maintenance Care: Health Promotion Services Administered to US Chiropractic patients Ages 65 and Older, Part II” J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000; 23(1): 10-19.

The bottom line… Don’t let age deter you from having your spine checked for subluxations!  No matter where you are in the journey of life, chiropractic care can help your body function at a higher level and improve your overall quality of life.

In Health,

Dr. Stephanie





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