When Your Child is Sick

This past Thursday, I got “the call” from my son’s daycare to come and pick him up. Nico, who is 20 months old, had a 101 degree temperature and a rash all over. Since he is not vaccinated, they asked that I come pick him up right away as to not get the vaccinated children sick. They also asked if they could administer some Tylenol to help him with his fever until I arrived. I politely declined the Tylenol and told them I would take care of him once I picked him up.

One I got to the daycare, my poor little boy was definitely not himself. He was lethargic, had a bright pink mosquito bite looking rash all over him, had a stuffy nose, and definitely had a fever. I took him home, checked his ears with my Otoscope (as the daycare said ear infections have been “going around”) and sure enough both ears were super inflamed. I also discovered he was getting 4 teeth in at once! I adjusted him, gave him fluids, and we rested the remainder of the day.

Although Nico was definitely uncomfortable, I refused to give him a fever reducer. The body is so amazing and I have definite faith that if you allow it to, the body can heal itself so why be counter-productive? When a child (or anyone) contracts an illness (which in my son’s case expressed itself as an ear and sinus-type infection) the body releases chemicals called Pyrogens to produce a fever and act as a defense mechanism to kill the invader. The rising temperature (fever) then stimulates the body to manufacture additional white blood cells which serve the purpose of destroying bacteria and viruses as well as cleaning up/removing damaged tissue and irritating materials from the body. Next, iron, which many “germs” need in order to thrive, is removed from the blood and stored in the liver. This reduces the rate at which bacteria can multiply. Lastly, interferon, a disease-fighting substance that the body naturally produces, becomes more effective and together, these processes work to kill the infection. Many more systems and processes also come into play to heal and repair the body and cause your child (or self) to recover. It is an incredible physiologic process and to think that we know what we are doing by interrupting this system of things to prevent discomfort can only prolong the situation and cause more harm then good. That is one reason I am so grateful to have been introduced to Chiropractic and the chiropractic philosophy. Getting adjusted removes interference to the nervous system and allows the brain to talk to the body and make sure that all the various systems in the body are functioning optimally so that healing can occur and ease, rather then dis-ease, can be restored.

So aside from getting your sick child adjusted, (I adjusted Nico daily when he was sick because he had so many subluxations) what else can be done to help aid the body in healing rather then interfere? As I mentioned, I made a point to keep Nico hydrated to counteract the moisture he was losing from breathing out of his mouth since his nose was stuffy and also to help his nose drain. Water, juice, anything he would drink worked for me. I avoid juices with high sugar (and especially ones with high fructose corn syrup, sugar substitutes, and toxins), and always add half water. Also I made sure he ate his gummy vitamins and Nordic Berry omega 3 gummy fish, had an increased dose of Vitamin D (3,000 IU’s for 3 days), and took his probiotic (mixed in applesauce or juice). Since nutrition and vitamins are key to forming healthy cells this just seemed like common sense to me to continue, especially since he wasn’t in the mood for eating which is where he would normally acquire his vitamins. Since I am not well versed in homeopathic remedies I do take my son to see this really cool Osteopathic Doctor who has studied this area and also shares my beliefs about not vaccinating, the need for regular chiropractic adjustments, and also non-medicating unless absolutely necessary due to an emergency situation. She confirmed Nico’s double ear infection and four teeth, stated she thought his rash was viral, and suggested an additional couple of things that I could do to help with his discomfort. Mullen Garlic, an oil you can buy at the health food store, can be used in a child’s ear to aid as a natural antibiotic (which garlic is). The dose is 2 drops in the affected ear, 3x a day. She also suggested pure Elderberry Syrup (without honey), 20 drops 2x a day with food which is a natural anti-viral. Although these things aren’t necessary as the body truly heals from the inside-out rather then by giving things on the outside to affect the inside, I figured like vitamins, these homeopathic tricks can only add some extra help. Plus, since the body is so intelligent, if it decides it doesn’t need the extra help, it will discard them anyway through normal bodily functions.

Today, 3 days later, Nico seems to be mostly healed as he runs around the house like a wild kid pushing his trucks and making “vroom vroom” noises. Although he still has his rash, Nico was able to breathe a little better and actually slept through the night last night without waking and his fever is gone. I haven’t re-checked his ears but I have faith that his body will continue to heal itself and that he will be totally recovered soon. It is hard to see your child sick and suffering but having the knowledge and faith that the power that made the body, can also heal the body, makes sickness a little more bearable as a natural part of life and acquiring immunity. Occassional sickness should be looked upon not so much as a curse, but as a healthy part of life. A great book that Dr. Stephanie turned me on to entitled, “How To Raise A Healthy Child…In Spite Of Your Doctor” by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. truly emphasizes this point. I hope you will find this a valuable resource as well.

Thanks for letting me share my son’s story with you during our March Kid’s Month and please know that from one parent to another, although childhood sickness can make you feel helpless at times, have trust and confidence that the miraculous intelligence that made your child, will also heal your child. Don’t hesitate to ask if any of us at Crossroads Chiropractic can be of further assistance to you and your family when it comes to health and healing. We are here for you!

Love and Gratitude,
Dr. Denise






2 responses to “When Your Child is Sick”

  1. Whitney Avatar

    So glad to read Nico is doing better Dr. Denise!
    Thank you for posting the above information, the body is truely incredible! Whitney Lamarre

  2. Marcia Avatar

    Quite an interesting post! Thanks for the information.

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