Tips from a Chiropractor! 4 Easy Ways To Increase Your Spinal Health and Decrease Back Pain

Spinal health is all about awareness and lifestyle change, but those changes don’t always need to be drastic to make a drastic difference. Here are four easy ways to reduce the risk of neck and back pain, putting yourself on the road to a healthier, more pain-free you. 

While you’d never knowingly damage your spine, it can be easy to let habits creep in that have a negative impact. Chiropractic health goes beyond routine adjustments, as important as those are, and reaches right into your daily life. Little changes can make an incredible difference, helping you feel better as you enable your body to operate as it should. 

Sleeping On Your Stomach Is a Nightmare for Your Spine

It may be comfy, and your partner may love that you aren’t snoring, but it’s definitely not a healthy choice:

  • Your lower back is left unsupported, leading to an unpleasant wakeup call in the morning (don’t start your day stiff and sore!).
  • Over time you can actually cause a spinal shift and vertebral misalignments.
  • Do you sleep with your head turned, so your face isn’t in the pillow? This may eventually cause misalignments in the cervical vertebrae.

A Better Alternative:

The healthiest way to sleep is flat on your back with a small pillow to support the natural curvature of your neck. If you’re a side-sleeper, just make sure your pillow is the right size to maintain a neutral neck position, and you may also want to consider a pillow between your knees for the sake of hip alignment. 

Take a Stand! Avoid Bad Sitting Habits That Put Your Spine At Risk

What could be simpler than sitting, right? Well, the truth is, you could be doing it wrong… And you aren’t alone. With so much time spent in chairs these days, especially at computers, poor sitting habits are having catastrophic effects on office workers especially. 

Your spine is happiest in a neutral position, meaning that all three of its natural curves are uninhibited. Prolonged time in a chair, and particularly in one that doesn’t promote these natural curves, can lead to misalignments, stress, back pain, poor posture, interrupted blood supply, and more. Even routine exercise won’t undo the damage!

Here are a few practical tips to get smart about how you sit, increasing spinal health and comfort:

  • Sit less! Almost too simple, right? See if your workplace can provide you with a standing station to use for at least a portion of your workday. 
  • Try a yoga or Pilates ball instead of an office chair. It may take a little getting used to, but the benefits are fantastic. Micro-movements promote fluid exchange in your joints, and your core/trunk muscles will be routinely activated in the natural act of balancing. 
  • Still using a regular office chair? Invest in a lumbar roll to fill the space between your lower back and chair, promoting those healthy spinal curvatures while also minimizing hunching. 
  • Move your screen up so that it’s level with your eyes. Looking down throughout the day increases strain from holding your head up and makes it too easy to slouch (putting pressure on your cervical discs). 
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor, and position your keyboard at a height that allows your arms to be close to a 90-degree angle.

Be Smart About How You Hold Your Smartphone

If looking slightly downward at a computer monitor is bad, just imagine the impact of staring at a phone screen by your lap. 

“Text neck” is a very real, and growing, problem. The forward flexion of the neck is extremely unhealthy, especially since the greater the angle at which your neck is bent the greater the weight and strain on your cervical spine. A human head weighs 12 pounds, on average, but at a 30-degree angle it exerts 40 lbs of weight on your spine! 

Using your phone less is the best alternative, but holding your screen up in front of your face is another option. Or, if there are any apps you can use on your desktop instead, go that route. You’ll be glad you did!

Should You Crack or Pop Your Own Joints?

It may be satisfying, feel good, and even temporarily relieve pain, but cracking and manipulating your own joints is just never a good idea. Chiropractors are highly-educated healthcare professionals, trained to adjust you in a way that is safe, effective, and takes your unique whole-body health factors into account. 

Taking it a step further, having someone walk on your back, or forcing your own joints to crack, can be extremely dangerous. 

Check Your Wardrobe, and Not Just in the Mirror

What you wear and carry can have a big impact on your spinal health too. Here are a few quick tips:

  • Don’t carry a wallet in your back pocket. It can compress the piriformis muscle, aggravate the sciatic nerve, and eventually create a nasty shift in your pelvis. And, if your pelvis shifts, you’re at risk for spinal issues as well since the pelvis serves as the foundation of the spine. Simply moving the wallet to a front pocket will save you from a major headache… or backache. 
  • Love high heels? Totally understandable! But you won’t love the long-term effects. Flattening that transverse arch and uneven weight distribution will cause painful bunions, pelvic shifting, and strain across the sacroiliac joints and lumbosacral junction. We’re talking major foot and back pain.
  • Whether you’re carrying a laptop or hiking the AT, be mindful of the type of pack you carry and the lumbar support it offers. Keep it as light as possible too, especially if you do quite a bit of walking. For backpacks, look for wide, padded straps, ideally with a chest or waist strap to distribute the weight evenly. And please keep in mind that a child’s school backpack should never weigh more than 10-15% of their bodyweight. 

Ongoing Chiropractic Care Is the Best Way To Promote Spinal Health

No matter your age, activity level, or career, talk to a reputable local chiropractor about ongoing care. Chiropractic adjustments don’t offer a one-time-fix, meaning that you just go in for a quick adjustment when something is bothering you. The best, most effective approach involves strategic, long-term care in conjunction with healthy lifestyle changes and education. 

Come Visit Us At Crossroads Chiropractic!

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • We focus on structural correction, not quick fixes.
  • We begin with an exam to understand your unique spine.
  • The greatest healer is already inside you! Our holistic approach is designed to correct misalignments that keep your body from performing as it should.
  • Family-friendly, welcoming atmosphere. 
  • Getting your adjustments is easy and efficient, with flexible scheduling.

If you have any additional questions, or would like to schedule your own chiropractic exam, please contact us! We have offices in Pembroke, Epping, and Meredith New Hampshire, and we would love to be your chiropractor.


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