Nourishing Yourself

Recently, we held our 7 Sinister Foods workshop that discussed in good detail the top 7 foods that aren’t good for us. These are foods that cause high amounts of overall inflammation within our bodies which can result in many different symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are weight gain, bloating, sluggishness, fatigue/tiredness, joint pain, skin issues, acne, headaches, inability to lose weight, etc. A few of the foods on this list are also some of the most highly genetically modified foods out there, meaning they are not the same as they were when our ancestors ate them. They are now modified to withstand and thrive through being sprayed with the most potent herbicides and pesticides out there. If we want to truly be healthy and allow our bodies to thrive, then we need to think about what we are nourishing ourselves with. Ever heard the old adage: what you put in is what you get out? It’s true, whatever you put into your body in terms of food for fuel, is what you will get out of your body in terms energy, health and longevity.

So here are the 7 Sinister Foods we covered in the workshop: Eggs, Dairy, Peanuts, Soy, Gluten, Corn and Sugar. I’m sure there are at least 1 or 2 on this list that surprise you. I’ll try to go through them all briefly so you get an idea why they made the list.

  1. Eggs:  they are not inherently bad for us, however how we have raised them is what causes us harm. Chickens are now fed diets concentrated with corn and grains and they are packed in hen houses never really seeing the sun. Eggs from these chickens have less Vit D, less Omega 3 fatty acids, and can create problems for those who are sensitive to corn and grains. What you want to look for are eggs from chickens that are organic and free-range; theses chickens are eating what’s intended for them and roaming in the sunshine. (Even cage-free isn’t good…they are still packed inside just no in cages.)
  2. Dairy: We’ve all been told “drink your milk, it’ll make you strong!” This may be farthest from the truth though. Not only is it hard to find milk without added growth hormones, etc but studies have been done that show it can actually leach calcium from our bones! Milk and dairy are acidic in nature. Our body does it’s best to maintain a neutral pH, so if we consume too much acidic milk/dairy, then our body compensates by pulling magnesium, calcium and potassium from our bones to maintain a neutral pH. Dairy also causes an increase in mucous production within the body, thus leading to stuffy noses, drippy noses and low level congestion. Alternatives to dairy would be unsweetened coconut milk, unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened hemp milk.
  3. Peanuts: Unkown to most people, peanuts truly are not nuts, they are a legume. They grow in the ground as opposed to on a tree. Peanuts are highly likely to contain molds, among them aflatoxin, which is one of the most toxic molds. Peanut oil, derived from peanuts, has also been known to play a role in causing plaque build-up in our arteries. Peanut butters tend to be laden with added sugars and other stuff. Great alternatives to peanuts are almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts and other tree nuts. Instead of peanut butter, give Almond or Cashew butter a try.
  4. Gluten: Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and in some oats(by contamination). It’s really the “glue” that holds products made of these together and gives them that nice spongy, soft, chewy texture. Gluten has been found to be highly problematic for people with Celiac Disease-it wreaks havoc in their intestines, causing them to not absorb nutrients, while also causing a great deal of pain, discomfort and other symptoms. There are also tons of other people that suffer from gluten sensitivity where they can suffer from similar symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, etc when they eat it. Basically, gluten can cause damage to our intestinal lining which in turn causes a cascade of problems and symptoms. Interestingly enough, people who have a gluten sensitivity in the US but travel to Europe find they can eat it over there. (Not those with Celiac though). It’s being researched that perhaps the problem with gluten in this country isn’t it itself, but how our crops are treated, what they are sprayed with and how they are genetically modified. Alternatives are to look for items marked Gluten Free, just make sure you read labels and these items aren’t made from corn.
  5. Corn: You probably categorize it as a vegetable right? Well, it’s really a grain, and the most highly genetically modified crops in our country. This means it is sprayed with extremely potent herbicides and pesticides but since it’s been modified to withstand it all, it thrives. Unfortunately we are consuming something far removed from the original corn that grew when our ancestors were alive. It’s actually a very high-glycemic food, meaning it can spike your blood sugar very high just by eating less than one ear of corn. High Fructose Corn Syrup is a “science experiment” that comes from corn and is horrible for us.
  6. Soy: This is another highly genetically modified food as well as highly processed. There is question whether soy may cause a role in certain types of breast cancers as well as lower testosterone levels in men. It is a phytoestrogen and can cause disruption in the normal hormone balance of the body. It can also cause abnormal ovulation in women and possibly lead to infertility. Soy causes problems with our Thyroid glands by disrupting the levels of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which in turn can cause general hormonal imbalance along with other issues.
  7. Sugar: Unfortunately sugar to seems to be prevalent in so many things these days. It is highly addictive, in fact research has shown that it is more addictive than cocaine. Sugar also stimulates the same pleasure centers of brains that cocaine does. It depresses our immune systems, leaving us open to more sicknesses. Sugar causes a release of the pleasure chemical in our brains when we eat it, however each time we do ingest it, we need to consume more and more to elicit the same pleasure feeling from it. Better alternatives for a sweetener would be raw honey or even maple syrup. Some people like stevia leaf, just be careful as it is a more potent sweetener, meaning you don’t need to use as much to get the same sweetness.

In order to nourish yourself with the best possible foods you want to focus on as much organic food as you can. It’s best to consume a high percentage of plant-based foods, meaning lots of veggies and fruits. When shopping for meat, you want to focus on grass-fed, antibiotic free, hormone free and fed an organic diet. If you’re thinking of eliminating the 7 sinister foods from your diet, my advice to you would be start with just one. Taking on all 7 at once is a gigantic undertaking and you’d possibly be setting yourself up for failure in making a change. It’s best to start with one, see how your body responds then move on to another. If you’re curious if one of them did cause you problem, after eliminating it for at least 21 days you can try adding it back in to your diet for a few days and watch closely how your body responds. Do you feel more tired, achy, congested, irritable? It truly is amazing how easily linked the foods we eat and the performance of our bodies are. Don’t you want to be putting the best fuel into your body?

In Health,

Dr. Jen






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