Sharing Your Story

Have you recently thought about your journey into the world of chiropractic care? If not, I challenge you to take a moment or two and mull it over. What prompted you to call our office for your visit? What “a-ha” moment did you have when first learning how chiropractic care can help you? What have been some of your biggest changes since you’ve been under care? Some of you reading this have only been under care a short time and others have been under care for quite a few years. Why have you chosen to make chiropractic care a regular part of you life? I pose these questions to you to see what your “chiropractic story” is. Everyone who is under regular care has one, and there is no wrong story. Each is as individualized as the person, and each is as important as the other.

I have a challenge for everyone: really think about your chiropractic story. As you answer some of the questions I posed above, keep digging even further. If your answer to some of the biggest changes is less pain, then ask yourself why is that important? What are you able to accomplish/do/feel-like with having less pain? If you have chosen to make chiropractic care a regular part of your lifestyle because it helps you stay healthy, then ask yourself in what ways is it keeping you healthy? Just in the physical sense of no pain, less sick time or is does it also help keep your mental state healthier too?

Many of you have either seen or had us ask you for a chiropractic testimonial at some point. I’d like to take a different approach and have you all think about your chiropractic story. It doesn’t have to be long, but it’s your personal story of why you started, how it has helped/changed you and why you make it a priority in life. This story is one that you would share with your friends, family or co-workers….the real “why’s” as to what made you choose to add chiropractic care in your life.

As the busy holiday season approaches us along with the colder, darker days of winter, I would challenge everyone to share their story with those they know and care about. Don’t we all share things we love and like on a regular basis with our friends and family? If we find a great restaurant, we tell others about it; if we have a favorite coffee shop or clothing store or gym we let our friends know about it. It’s natural for us to share the good things in our lives with others, so why would you not share your chiropractic story with those you care about? The simple act of sharing how it has helped change your life could drastically help the life of a loved one. I challenge you to not keep it a secret and share with someone today.


In Health,

Dr. Jen






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