Sharing "The Truth"

I’ve had a bazillion ideas flow through my head as I’ve been thinking of what to write for my blog post this week, so I apologize in advance if this one seems a little all over the place. (I’m not even sure if a bazillion is a real numerical factor, but you get the point!). For those of you that are practice members in our Crossroads locations, you are quite aware that we have been celebrating “I ‘heart’ Chiropractic” Month this September because it’s the birth month of chiropractic. 116 years ago, a new idea about our health was born; chiropractic shook the very foundations of the healthcare field as it “grew up” through-out the years. Many of you may not know that early Chiropractors went to jail, being accused of practicing medicine without a license. Lawsuits were flung between the two professions along with a lot of slander and non-truths. In the end, it was found that chiropractic is separate and distinct from the medical profession; Thank Goodness!!

The idea of the two paradigms are vastly different; the medical paradigm seeks to fix the broken part or symptom while the chiropractic paradigm seeks to allow more life to flow by removing interference in the nerve system. Your nerve system is your life force; it’s the very thing that keeps you alive, without nerve-flow, you can die instantly. If your nerve flow is interfered with, you could be dying a slow death and not even know it so to speak. If there is interference in your nerve system, your organs are not functioning at their best, your energy isn’t at it’s best and your immune system is weakened. Now I’m not saying that if you’re under chiropractic care you are immune from all problems; remember are bodies are extremely complex-you need to put the right food in, get the right amount of exercise, stay as positive as possible, etc. However, what I am saying is that if you make sure your nerve system is flowing as freely as it can, then you have a greater chance of your body functioning as best it can. In this day and age, we have so much thrown at us via tv, internet, billboards, etc that give us the message our bodies are broken and need this pill or that one to fix it. Our bodies are wonderful, healing creations; we just tend to forget how absolutely amazing our own bodies can be. Chiropractic keeps you connected to your life-force; it’s not about pain, so if you hear me saythings such as “Your Power is turned on”, or “Now you have more Life flowing through you”, that’s what I’m talking about-you truly do have better nerve flow, which is your life-force flowing through you. I want to share something that B.J Palmer (the developer of chiropractic) wrote many many years ago:
The Truth
“We chiropractors work with the subtle substance of the soul. We release the prisoned impulse, the tiny rivulet of force, that emanates from the mind and flows over the nerves to the cells, and stirs them into life. We deal with the magic power that transforms a common food into living, loving, thinking clay; that robes the earth with beauty, and hues and scents the flowers with the glory of the air.
In the dim, dark, distant long ago, when the sun first bowed to the morning start, this power spoke and there was life; it quickened the slime of the sea and the dust of the earth and drove the cell to union with its fellows in countless living forms. Through aeons of time it finned the fish and winged the bird and fanged the beast. Endlessly it worked, evolving its form until it produced the crowning glory of them all. With tireless energy it blows the bubble of each individual life and then silently, relentlessly dissolves the form, and aborbs the spirit into itselft again.
And yet you ask, “Can Chiropractic cure appendicitis or the flu?” Have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world?”
-B.J. Palmer, D.C, Ph.C.
Remember to believe in your own wondrous power within, and to keep it connected and flowing by being under chiropractic care and getting adjusted regularly. Yes, chiropractic is different than the mainstream view on health, but it’s our uniqueness that has helped many a person live a more fulfilling life. It’s why I love what I do, and why my work is not a four letter word to me. I’ll leave you with the quote from the top: “Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.” -Walt Whitman
In Health and Life,
Dr. Jen






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