Under. But no knife.

Hi Everyone!
It was an interesting morning for me. Up at 5am and I was donning scrubs before sunrise. I took an opportunity to observe “Manipulation Under Anesthesia” (an MUA). Huh? Never heard of that before, have you?

Manipulation under anesthesia is just what it sounds like, a deep traction and adjustments done while the person is under. No knife, no cutting. This procedure helps many people who have chronic pain and/or disc injuries as a possible means to avoid surgery. This is a last ditch effort, once regular chiropractic, phyisical therapy and other more conservative techniques haven’t been enough.

For the record, I do NOT perform manipulation under anesthesia, nor will I be getting certified. This was just a chance to observe and learn. And I learned a few things…

1. Chiropractic first, second, third and now even fourth. Do everything you can to avoid the knife. There are no guarantees once the knife comes out.

2. No matter what procedure we do to the body, we ultimately rely on the body’s ability to heal. The internal wisdom (innate intelligence) directs healing in the body. Even in the case of surgery, once the operation is done the body heals iteself in the recovery room. The body clots the blood, makes cells to close the wound and makes white blood cells to fight off infection. The body is always working to stay alive, heal and be its best.

3. Prevention of chronic conditions is key! This person without a doubt needed chiropractic care as a child. So much of this chronic low back and neck condition could have been prevented if his parents knew to have him checked for subluxation. Hopefully you already know that longterm subluxations (spinal misalignments) can cause arthitis and disc conditions. Just like the parts wear out quicker of a car that is out of alignment, so do the joints of an out-of-alignment spine.

The next time you walk into Crossroads you won’t see people in a deep sleep on the tables. Nor will you find me in the O.R. at Concord Hosiptal. But you can count on seeing amazing results and “chiropractic miracles” all around.

In the past three weeks I have checked three newborns… I mean hours to days old. Really new. How about that for a healthy start in life? One mom reported her son nursed better after his adjustment. Another baby wasn’t turning his head fully to one side during his hearing test. As soon as he was adjusted he turned his head to the side and took a peaceful stretch! The birth process is the first time that many of us become subluxated, but so few of us were checked.

And that’s not all… Last week we have had deposits of prescriptions in our DRUG JUG, things people no longer need to take because they are truly healthier and see a better way now. This week we had a gentleman tell us that after only a few adjustments his back is feeling better than it has in 3 years! Our cleansers are reporting lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol counts and major weight losses! One person lowered his cholestrol by 85 points!!! Healing is happening here!

Miracles happen because the body heals itself. We just need to give our body what it wants: regular chiropractic check-ups, clean water, pure food and positive thoughts!

In love and health,
Dr. Stephanie ๐Ÿ™‚






One response to “Under. But no knife.”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Sounds like a very interesting day.
    Most people cannot imagine that I chose to have Sean adjusted within hours of being born. “How could you trust her to do that,” I have been asked so many times. And why not? Thanks for keeping my family healthy

    ps. I often wish I could nap on your tables ๐Ÿ˜‰

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