Trick or Treat?

Happy Halloween everyone! Is this holiday a treat… or really a dirty trick that we play on our bodies?

I think it is a mean trick. It is like we are TRYING to get sick! We are going into winter, the time for colds and flus, and we flood our system with sugar in massive doses on October 31st every year. Not to mention the left over candy sitting around for the next few weeks – someone’s got it eat it, right?

Did you know that vitamin C and glucose (sugar) are almost identical? Vitamin C and glucose use the same receptors (doorways) to enter into your cells. But only one can enter at a time. So they actually COMPETE to enter into your cells. High blood sugar from eating all that candy means glucose is taking up all those recpetors and less Vitamin C is getting into your cells.

Phagocytic cells (important immune system cells that fight off invaders and clean up debris) require high amounts of Vitamin C to work properly. A blood sugar level of 120 reduces the phagocytic index by 75%! For some people one saltine cracker is enough to take blood sugar up to 150. Eeek!

The best way to be sure your immune system can function properly is to LIMIT the amount of sugar you consume. The answer isn’t to take more Vitamin C, the right thing to do is watch how much toxic crap you are feeding yourself and your children. The less, the better:)

Enjoy dressing up (I did last night!), being with your friends and the fun of trick-or-treat with your kids if that’s the case for you. But please, watch out for the post-halloween immune system crash. And remember, chiropractic adjustments boost your immune system by 200%, so be sure to get your post-halloween adjustment!

Spookily yours,

Dr. Stephanie






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