Category: Dr. Loni

  • The Power of Positive Thinking

    We have all been around that one person that is always complaining or shares their unhappiness with you every chance they get. Many times we avoid these type of people like the plague and rightfully so. Negativity is contagious but so is joy, don’t believe me bring a newborn or a puppy into a room…

  • We’ve Got Your Back

    We don’t just have your back, we have your whole. Its a common misconception that Chiropractors are only good at helping relieve back pain, neck pain, and the occasional headache. As many of our Practice members have learned along their journey to health at Crossroads Chiropractic, that chiropractic works on so much more then their…

  • Cause and Effect

    Have you ever had low back pain and thought, ‘Ergh not again’, and like many times before you reach for the medicine cabinet? You take an over the counter pain medication or maybe a prescribed medication and a half hour later you are in the clear. Your low back pain is now gone and you…

  • Getting to Know Dr. Loni

    My chiropractic story: I was introduced to chiropractic at a young age while working at a horse farm on the New Hampshire seacoast. Although I was not the patient, I started to see the amazing effects of Chiropractic care  through the horses. Horses that had chronic issues with lameness or decreases range of motion began…

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