The Power of Positive Thinking

We have all been around that one person that is always complaining or shares their unhappiness with you every chance they get. Many times we avoid these type of people like the plague and rightfully so. Negativity is contagious but so is joy, don’t believe me bring a newborn or a puppy into a room and watch how each person that interacts with them becomes happy. Yes life is hard at times especially now a days with some exceptionally scary stuff that is happening in the world.

So how can you be positive in this world?

Well it’s not hard once you get the hang of it. To start ditch the downers, whether it’s a negative person or an unhealthy atmosphere. This advice can be taken in the physical since as in stop polluting your body with chemicals like GMO’s, artificial sweeteners and alcohol.

Next up and this is a big one, count your blessings. I mean this in the most literal sense, if you don’t have a pen and paper handy make a mental list. There are many things that count as blessing no matter how small. When you have a super crummy day and everyone and everything has seemed to just drive you nuts, start to count the small stuff in your life that make a huge difference. Be thankful for the bed you get to sleep in tonight, the food in your fridge and cabinets, and the clean water you have to drink. When you start to think of these things as blessing all the other stuff doesn’t seem so bad.

Third on the road to becoming more positive, love yourself for who you are right now. If you don’t love yourself no one will ever be able to. Start from the inside out, start by making positive comments about yourself. Don’t call yourself names instead inspire yourself to do a better job next time. When you look into a mirror pick out one thing you like about your body not the ten things you hate. In fact take hate out of you vocabulary, seriously just don’t use it for anything.

Lastly, try to do at less one random act of kindness a day.

-In Health

Dr. Loni






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