Category: Dr. Graham
Sleep – It Does A Body Good
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you chipper? Do you hop out of bed and get after your day? Or do you tap away at the snooze button on your alarm and then after a few (or more) rounds of this you begrudgingly drag your corpse like body out…
It’s NOT About Pain
So often chiropractic is associated with back pain. If you ask the average person what a chiropractor is, you’ll probably hear something along these lines: “ back doctor”, “back pain”, etc. It’s easy to understand this misconception. Chiropractic IS really good at dealing with back pain. Also, many chiropractors do focus on pain treatment. I’ve…
Chiropractic – Not Just A Passing Fad
Jack Kerouac has a quote regarding fads: “Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinions.” I find this quite appropriate for modern American. We, in general, are trend hopping, gimmick-chasing, fad mongers. We trade long term results for short term experiments. We chase the new, the fast,…
The Unhappiness of Being
I often times make observations and write about them to encourage others, but also to remind and encourage myself. Our staff at Crossroads are just like you: we’re all figuring out life as we go. Something I want to figure out is why so many people spend so much time being unhappy. I do this…
Memorial Day
I type this as Memorial Day is winding down. I mowed the lawn, played with my kids, and last night had a cook out at a friend’s house. It was a good time. This all seems normal and fun, but I was struck by some pictures of my my wife’s family in Iowa. They were…
Dispatch From the Berkshires
This weekend your friendly neighborhood chiropractic team embarked on a chiropractic weekend conference called the Berkshire Triune. It was held in Lenox, MA and featured some of the best minds in chiropractic. Conferences like these are fun for us, but more importantly they make us better. They help us gain new skills and find new…
Winter Escape
Are you desperate to escape the death spiral known as winter in New Hampshire? I’m kidding, of course, winter is okay. The snow is beautiful and I love living in a place with seasons. That being said, I think even the most staunch defenders of winter are ready for a break. Even though, that break seems…
What Direction Are You Going?
It’s a bit funny how we, humans, seem to fear change. We love things to be stable, consistent, and normal. We dig in our heels on this concept to the point of being detrimental. We find a routine that works, even if that means less than ideal to our goals, dreams, and health. For example.…
Time to be a Hero
If we take a look at the world around us, it is quite easy to become overwhelmed by the problems and issues taking place: poverty, joblessness, the environment, crime, health, etc. In fact, I think we often become so bogged down by the vastness of our world’s plight that the protective mechanism of our souls…
What’s your time worth?
I’ve spent a lot of time lately looking at my personal habits under a microscope. I started doing this because lately it seems time has not been on my side. I just always seem to be busy. Wondering where did the day go and how am I going to get this or that done. I…