Time to be a Hero

If we take a look at the world around us, it is quite easy to become overwhelmed by the problems and issues taking place: poverty, joblessness, the environment, crime, health, etc. In fact, I think we often become so bogged down by the vastness of our world’s plight that the protective mechanism of our souls conclude there is only one answer: inactivity. Ostrich syndrome….you know, head in the sand type of reaction. I get this. I mean I do the exact same thing. We do this, because it is simple and easy and frankly, we are most comfortable being a little selfish. No judgement….I’m pointing the finger at myself too.
The problem of this reaction is two-fold: 1) the world gets worse because nothing changes and 2) we get worse because we knowingly forfeit our soul for convenience and faux ignorance. Both consequences are grave….one melts us down from the outside, the other from the inside. So what are we to do? All the problems are big, so the answers must be big too….right? Well, I’m not so sure. I believe the real healing can be found in this concept: simplicity.
I mean it really is this simple. We can change our lives and the world around us for the better by focusing on simplicity. I mean it may not be the cure all or the perfect answer….but it is an answer and a positive one at that. So I’d say versus being ostriches, that’s pretty good.
So how do we apply this: at every turn, at every choice ask ourselves how can I make this more minimal, more simple and thus strike a blow at all that is evil and making the world a better place to in. Okay, so that may be over the top, but you get it.
Let’s try it: Do you have more than a few coats, sweaters, pairs of shoes, etc?…..Minimize and donate them to others less blessed.
Do you have a pantry of non-perishables that you will never touch?…..Clear space because the food pantry will take them.
Worried about personal finance?…..Cut cable and get a library card; free some cash and your mind.
Health concerns?…..follow the brilliant Michael Pollan’s (The Omnivore’s Dilemma is a fantastic book) advice: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Furthermore, go for a walk. Get adjusted!
Is the environment on your mind?….Sourced from bikesmakelifebetter.com: “if everyone who lives within five miles of their workplace left their car at home just one day a week and cycled to work, nearly five million tons of global warming pollution would be saved every year – like taking about a million cars off the road.” Environmental Defense Fund.
That fact is, these are just starter ideas and you can probably think of a ton more. But by simply doing the above ideas, you would save money, be healthier, improve the environment, provide food and clothing for others….so would improve your life and the lives of those around you. You would be a hero, so what are we waiting for? Let’s get simple and get creating the world that we want and need.
Wishing you health above-down, inside-out, Graham






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