Miracles Happen Here

It’s amazing to think that in July, I will have been here a year. It doesn’t seem like it has been that long . . . and it does. It’s funny how time can pass so quickly and still feel like it moves slowly. Looking forward and planning for the future, while trying to accomplish so much in the present and yet trying to learn from the successes and failures of the past. So much has happened and so much still needs to happen.
As you know, we opened Crossroads Chiropractic 125, our third office, in October last year. I’m quite excited to say that amazing things are happening! Lives are changing! So many different people have come in. Children with digestive issues or with back pain. People with headaches, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain or wrist pain. People seeking to continue chiropractic care after moving from another place. People seeking an alternative to medicine or surgery. So I wanted to share a few of them.
A patient came in with chronic low back pain. Her primary care doctor told her the next step would be surgery. The patient didn’t want that so she decided to try chiropractic instead. Shortly after starting care, her back began to feel better. A few months later, she, again, saw her primary care doctor who stated that she was doing well and surgery wasn’t necessary.
Another patient came in, again with low back pain. (Sad to say this happens often. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons that people seek chiropractic care.) After beginning care, he not only noticed an improvement in his back, but also his neck as well.
Still, I think the most surprising, well, not surprising . . . the most dramatic change happened more recently. A woman came in with chronic pain. It was predominantly in her neck, but her low back too and her joints. She walked slowly and used a cane. She just hurt all over and felt like she couldn’t do much of anything. She stated that she was depressed and didn’t know what to do. She was unable to do the things she loved to do. After her first adjustment, she wasn’t using her cane as much anymore. As she has continued her care, she has stated that she is able to walk farther and is slowly returning to the activities she thought she would never be able to do again.
I wish I could say that I caused these changes, that it was by my skill, or my hand. But it is wholly beyond me to work such miracles. Miracles do happen, everyday, in the body’s amazing ability to adapt and heal itself. The body can and does heal itself, chiropractic seeks to give it its best possible chance of success.
I look forward to this next year at Crossroads. Our goal, as our mission states, is to educate and adjust as many families as possible toward optimal health through natural chiropractic care. There are still so many that need to know about chiropractic. I look forward to being a part of that and to the many miracles yet to come. What miracles will you do today?

In health,
David Medina, DC






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