Healing Update

If you’re reading this, you likely have an appreciation for the beautiful healing of which our bodies are capable. There is an intelligence, a piece of the divine, that animates each of us. It is that spirit, that breath of life which animates us, that we call “innate”. Innate Intelligence coordinates and runs our body, and expresses itself through the nervous system. Your nerve system is AMAZING… it conducts electrical signals to all of the organs in your body. It controls EVERY function of the body.

Your skull and vertebrae were designed to protect this very delicate nerve tissue. But sometimes stress, fatigue, or injuries can cause the vertebrae to slip out of place, putting pressure on the nerves. This pressure or stress can interrupt the vital flow of electrical impulses headed for the body. The result? Lack of coordination and dysfunction of body systems.

Chiropractors don’t have a button to push for migraines, nor is there a button for attention deficit disorder or digestive problems. Yet, often when people get adjusted, they report improvements in symptoms that seemingly would not be related to the spine, like neck and back pain.

I want to update you on just a few of the things we have heard and seen in last week. One mother and her young son had stopped taking their allergy medications since starting chiropractic care, and they have been feeling GREAT! In the past year, mom only had to take something for a total of three days during the worst of allergy season! Awesome, right? The icing on the cake – they save about $300 per month now!

We also had an older woman who had her one year re-xray taken last week. When analyzing it, we saw that a bone spur (osteophyte) had become smaller! While this is a rare occurrence, it is an awesome testimony to the body’s ability to hear and repair once a stressor is removed.

Perhaps my favorite “win” last week… Deb checked in at the desk for her adjustment and announced that she had given up all DIET sodas! (If you don’t know just how toxic diet artificial sweeteners are, check out Dr. Mercola’s website for some eye opening info!) Congrats to Deb, you have made a conscious effort to not only get adjusted, but also to LIVE the chiropractic lifestyle!

I expect more healings this week, and every week after. Because that is the way it is supposed to be. God didn’t create junk, he created perfection. Take good care of your body, live well, choose right and be well adjusted:)

In love and health,
Dr. Stephanie


