Fan or Follower?

Fan or follower? It’s an interesting question. It was posed to me at church this morning, actually. Here was the context: the sermon this morning challenged us, the listener, to examine whether or not in our beliefs, our faith are we “fans” or “followers” meaning: fans are those who admire/enjoy/etc but are on the sidelines; followers are actually doing something. So when it comes to our beliefs essentially were we taking spectators or players? Did/do we let our beliefs inform our choices and actions? An interesting question, that requires introspection, but ultimately slaps you in the cheek and makes you examine the big questions of: who am I and what am I doing?

As a sports fan this concept can be confusing, right? Think about the sport fanatics in your life. They tend to think that as a fan they do have an effect on the game’s outcome. It’s not true, of course, but it’s the reason so many fans have rituals and superstitions. If they follow them, the team will win. I mean, clearly, the Sox need one to eat three hot dogs and wear their argyle socks to play well……right? The real truth, obviously, is a spectator has little effect on the outcome of a game, with the exception of a great home crowd perhaps. Moreover, and just as big, the results of the game has very little actual effect on the spectator. I’m a Chicago Bulls fan (grew up in Illinois, if you didn’t now) and after a recent loss as I was sulking, my wise wife asked me: did I play in the game, did it really change my life in any tangible way (win or lose), and did I have money on the game……no, no, and never……so why was I sulking? Here is the kicker/kick in the pants: fans don ‘t really effect the game and the game ultimately, doesn’t really effect them. A fan will always be on the outside looking in and when it comes to sports fine, but when it comes to life……this is not okay.

The rubber is about to meet the proverbial road: ask yourself are you a fan or a follower in your life (if I may borrow the terms from my lesson this morning)? Do you let life happen to you (fan)? Or do you chase the life you want (follower)? Do you let others dream for you or do you dream for yourself? Do think your goal is attainable and are taking steps toward it? The bottom line: in all aspects of your life we must stop being fans on the sidelines and start being actively involved in becoming the person we want to/are meant to become.

What about in your health? What are you doing right now? I know so many people who are unhappy with how they feel…..they have the knowledge on how to change it, but don’t…..this is the core of simply being a fan. Having the the means and knowledge but never taking action. If you don’t like how you feel, how you look, what your health status is,or what your future health will look like on your current path……change it! Stop being a fan and start being a player. You have the ability and now just need the action. Maybe you are already and action person, if so, congrats and sorry for wasting your time, but for you fans and so many times I am right there with you, let’s change. It is not as hard or as complicated as the media and modern medicine want you to believe. There is no “pill for every ill”. There are no secrets. The game plan to be players in your health goals require a very simple basis. Become a follower of these and health will become much more simple…..ready: eat real food, drink water, sleep enough, exercise daily, turn of the technology and slow down, keep your nervous system working. If one did all of these things health wouldn’t be certain (I mean hit by a bus is hit by a bus), but what is certain is you have given yourself the best shot, the most likelihood of being the healthiest you possible. It’s right there for the taking. You have the knowledge: what are you going to do with it? Be a fan or be a follower?

Wishing you health and happiness, Dr. Graham, chiropractor



