Are you teaching your child to live in fear or are you teaching them that their body is strong, healthy and knows what to do?
Often times we label symptoms as “bad” (like a cough or fever) but they are really your body’s perfect way to fight off the invader. Chiropractic philosophy has taught me to honor the inborn intelligence and super hero healing power that resides within each of us.
I don’t think there has been a more important time in history to be under regular wellness chiropractic care and to be teaching our children that our body is strong and smart. Furthermore, we should be teaching HOW TO CREATE HEALTH through proper eating, exercise and mental health.
Here is a special testimonial from my practice written by a dad of a 5 year old boy that illustrates just how life changing adjustments can be. Chiropractors don’t “cure” anything (other than subluxations), we remove the interference so the body can function as it was designed.
“Hospitalization pneumonia, chronic colds (to include ear infections) leading to sets of tubes, adenoid removal and a steady prescription of antibiotics. That’s the medical history of our son up to the age of 5. We were at wits end with Dr. visits, specialist surgeries, pharmacies and a child with red, painful, draining ears. Then a conversation with a family member lead us to Crossroads Chiropractic. Initially skeptical as to how spinal alignment cold possibly assist in curing a chronic illness such as ear infections. But as non-believers, we began a vigorius adjustment program. Within weeks we were seeing results! To see your child actively fight off a cold and not end up in the Dr’s office, we cannot explain what a fabulous feeling that is. For the first time ever Bryson was responding to illness, as any child should. We have watched our sick and run-down child turn into a healthy happy child. Now, six months later, we are believers. It works! Thank you Dr Stephanie and the Crossroads Chiropractic Team. Due to your efforts in making a difference, Bryson is a success story. We are glad we found Crossroads when we did. You have saved him many unnecessary visits to the doctors office. We now truly believe in spinal care – the key to good health! Thank you again!”