A Few of Dr Jen’s Favorite Things

Here is a list of a few my favorite things if you’re still searching for the perfect gift for a family member or friend for the Holidays. I’m a pretty frugal shopper, so these items are all on the lower cost end and get you the biggest bang for buck!

T-Pin! Vector

Take foam rolling to a whole new level with this amazing tool. I’ve recently found it myself and have fallen in love with it. It allows you to target more areas of your body more safely and effectively. Roll out those glutes, calves, feet and even your back easier with this patented design. To top it all off, this is made right here in NH! This is the highest priced item in my list at $60, but it’s totally worth it in my book. Learn more about it and how to use it here:

Lacrosse Ball

As much as I love the T-Pin Vectora bove, I also love having something more portable and smaller to carry with me in case I need to use it at work, traveling, or at someone else’s house. Meet the lacrosse ball! These are especially great for rolling out the bottoms of your feet, which can help prevent plantar fasciitis and also help relieve tight calves and even tight hamstrings. Pictured you see not only lacrosse balls, but also the spiky ball. You can find lacrosse balls at your local sports for a few dollars and you can find the spiky balls on amazon. Amazon also has sets of both if you search for foot massage ball set or deep tissue massage ball set.

 Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry syrup has been around for a very long time as a tool to fight off cold and flu symptoms. I started using this syrup last winter to help keep those nasty colds away and it worked!You can find many different brands and versions out there (there’s a brand that makes elderberry gummies too), but this is the one that I’ve been using. You can find it on Amazon and is usually around the $20 range. This brand is called Honey Gardens Elderberry Syrup with Apitherapy Raw Honey. (Note: it does contain a slight bit of alcohol in it. Not all elderberry supplements do, so if you’re looking for one without make sure to read ingredient list).

Tumeric with Meadowsweet & Ginger Tea and Ginger Tea

I first fell in love with Ginger Tea at a Thai restaurant and ever since love sipping it in the cold winter months. I also love this Turmeric with meadowsweet and Ginger Tea too. Turmeric is used to help support a healthy response to inflammation in the body. Ginger is widely used to help to promote healthy digestion, help with indigestion and aid in the prevention of nausea associated with motion. I love using both these teas during the winter months to help keep my immune system up and my body functioning strongly. You can find these teas at your local health food stores and in some grocery stores health food sections. If you want to learn more about them and help locate a store near you check out this website: www.traditionalmedicinals.com

Run Fast East Slow Cookbook

This is by far one of my favorite cookbooks. Okay, you don’t have to be a runner to benefit from these amazing recipes. This cookbook has whole-food, flavor forward recipes that are not only nourishing for the athlete, but anyone can benefit from. If you’re someone or know someone that is trying to eat a cleaner diet than I highly recommend this cookbook. It’s written by world-class marathoner and 4-time Olympian Shalane Flanagan and chef Elyse Kopecky. They have a second cookbook out as well that I’m sure is just as wonderful. Learn more about it right on their website: www.runfasteatslow.com and you can find it right on amazon as well.






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