The Dangers of Sugar

Fact: The average American consumes 66 pounds of ADDED sugar per year.  The health implications of this are endless.  And none of them are good.

  1. Excess sugar makes us FAT. Think of fat as “energy stored for later”.  What’s the problem with that?  Most of us never have a later!  With grocery stores and restaurants, we’re unlikely to suffer a famine to burn that energy we’ve “stored” for later.  The result, unhealthy fat accumulation at our waistline.
  2. Our pancreas gets tired. The pancreas is the organ responsible for secreting the hormone insulin, which helps the body respond to increased sugar levels in the blood.  When the pancreas gets burned out from the stress of a lifetime of too much sugar, Type 2 Diabetes results.  Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to severe damage to your nervous system and circulatory system.  (Think loss of sight and amputated toes here.)
  3. Sugar cravings are real!  The U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse researchers found that sugar causes changes in peoples’ brains similar to alcohol and cocaine addicts.
  4. Highs and lows in our energy level. Every burst of energy gained by eating a sugary snack is followed by the infamous sugar crash.  And with that crash comes the grouchies.
  5. Some research has found associations between sugar intake and cellular aging as well as increased outward signs of aging like wrinkles.
  6. Liver damage. Our liver processes a type of sugar called fructose.  It can handle everyday processing of fructose found in nature’s form (in fruit accompanied by fiber).  But frequent exposure to fructose in high concentrations, especially in liquid form, may be toxic to our liver leading to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis and even Cirrhosis.
  7. Increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, memory problems and Alzheimer’s Disease. New research continues to be published linking chronic diseases back to our nemesis, SUGAR!

If this list doesn’t cause you to think twice about what you’re eating, I’m not sure what will.  Join us in our Crossroads Healthy Habits Challenge to reduce your sugar consumption starting today.  Check labels for hidden added sugar in foods like ketchup, cereals, yogurt, salad dressing and sauces.  Hide your sugary treats out-of-sight so they are out-of-mind.  When you’re looking for something sweet chose a whole piece of fruit over candy, soda or juice.  Some small daily changes now can add up to a lifetime of better health later.  You can do it, your health and your life are worth it!






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