What Do I Do When I Get Sick?

I don’t usually give it much thought… NOT taking drugs is normal for me.  But in recent weeks, when it was obvious to everyone around me that I had caught this winter’s virus (stuffy nose, fever, sore throat, dry cough), I received quite a bit of well-meaning advice. “Don’t you take anything for that?”  “You should try Nyquil.”  “Maybe you need antibiotics.”

I haven’t taken an over-the-counter painkiller, cold remedy or prescription pill in over 18 years.  And this little virus wasn’t going to break my streak.

I’m the first to admit that at times drugs are necessary, life-saving inventions.  I’m thankful to live in the United States, where we have access to the best in medical intervention.  However, I’m also aware that every pharmaceutical and medical intervention comes with side effects or risk.   Even over-the-counter drugs must be detoxified by our liver and kidneys.  And they can be over used, over relied on and at times contrary to healing.

My choice during cold and flu season is to respect my body’s processes and work to support my immune system naturally.  Over-the-counter medicines that dry-you-out, take down fever or stop cough work AGAINST your body’s immune system.  Mucus, phlegm, coughs, fever all serve a purpose.  They trap the virus or bacteria, make it harder for them to replicate and literally get them OUT of your body (albeit it isn’t always pretty).

So what exactly do I do?  I get adjusted by my chiropractor (Dr. Jen)!  Chiropractic adjustments ensure that my brain is able to communicate clearly with my body for best immune system performance.  I also supplement with vitamins A, D and C.  I take extra of my daily multi-vitamin along with things like garlic, Echinacea, colloidal silver, goldenseal, elderberry and throat coat tea.  I take long hot showers, bundle up with layers and try to help my body make a fever if it wants to.  I do my best to get extra hours of sleep and de-stress as well.  If Grandma were still around, I would definitely eat her soup too.

My best advice to you?  Embrace your symptoms.  Listen to your body’s cues.  The symptoms that make you so uncomfortable, so miserable, are the very things that are helping you to get well.  Your body is intelligent.  Follow its lead and trust it a little more.

With love and health,

Dr Stephanie

Disclaimer:  If you’re really, really sick or having a head cold is life threatening to you, of course seek medical attention.






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