Summer of the Spine

So if you haven’t heard, we’re having a summer photo contest. Not just any contest, one that celebrates all of the fun things you can do with a healthy spine! Water skiing, swimming, surfing, hiking, running, paddle boarding, rock climbing, kayaking, trampoline-ing (is that a word!?)… what are your plans for enjoying the six weeks of summer we get here in New Hampshire? Whatever your pleasure, a well-adjusted spine will make it possible! Share your adventures with us in pictures. Stop by the front desk at any of our locations and borrow our mini-spine to complete your photo. There are three easy ways to enter: print it out, post it to facebook and tag us or email it to

Check out the fun entries so far!IMG_20160629_133739 image2 image1(2) IMG_3057 IMG_3060 IMG_3109



