Stanley’s Story

Every person that goes into the practice of Chiropractic usually has a story that led them there. Some of my colleagues have deeply moving stories. One particular story is of my close friend who was on the verge of ending her life because her back pain was so severe. She could no longer go about her everyday tasks without crippling pain. Nothing helped her other than Chiropractic adjustments, ultimately changing her life and career. Not all of our stories are as extreme as my friends but they all have the same ending, becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic.

My story is not so much about the effect on my personal self, but how chiropractic adjustments affect all living creatures. When I was about 13 the horse I was leasing at the time began to get adjusted. The day before his adjustment I would ride him and he would be fussy, struggle to turn to the right through corners, and be heavy on the bit. The day after his adjustment it was like I was riding a different animal. He was happy to be working, moved with ease, and my reins felt light as a feather. This effect would happen after every adjustment. I started to think to myself there is definitely something to this chiropractic thing! I started getting adjust myself and felt the difference in my own body and mental state as well. I became fascinated by all things Chiropractic. As my fascination grew, the more sure I became about my career path to become a Chiropractor.

In the past two weeks I was reminded of what led me to become a Chiropractor. Like I had mentioned before Chiropractic is amazing for all living creatures. My 3 year old 11lbs Chaweenie ( half dachshunds/half Chihuahua) , Stanley hadn’t quite been his spunky rascally self. He was not walking well and only wanted to lay in bed to rest. I figured he may have just felt under the weather. His condition began to worsen; he couldn’t jump down from the couch and would make a horrific noise when I went to pick him up. More than just concerned about my four legged love of my life, I began to panic. The degree of which was only slightly less extreme than my total meltdown I had when I brought him to the vet for a tummy ache. Yes I am aware that this may seem a little irrational, but if you are animal person you know what I mean. I was ready to rush him to an emergency vet clinic when… I stopped and evaluated his condition. All of his symptoms were neuro-musculoskeletal in nature, the exact symptoms I help treat patients with every day. My little bud didn’t need a vet he needed a Chiropractor! I called a Chiropractor friend of mine that has her diplomate in animal chiropractic and booked the next available appointment she had.

On Stanley’s first visit my friend told me he was critically out of alignment. He had multiple cervical subluxations, his shoulder had fixated anteriorly, and his pelvic was shifted. To my astonishment she reported the main cause of his discomfort and dysfunction was most likely an inflamed disc in his lumbar spine. I felt horrible. How I could let my little furry companion get to such a state? As a chiropractor I knew this didn’t just happen overnight this had to have been accumulating over months or years of micro-traumas.

After Stanley’s first adjustment he was still not himself, he was very conscious of his movements and rested a lot more than he normally would. Even though he wasn’t 100% I wasn’t terribly troubled by this. I know that sometimes after a chiropractic adjustment, patients can be sore and things can feel worse before they get better. At Stanley’s second appointment the doctor reported that his cervical spine was getting better and his pelvic was as well. His Lumbar on the other hand was still an area of much concern. As she worked with him I could see him start to improve right there in the office. Unlike humans, animals heal much quicker. They don’t have all the emotional stressors in life that can derail the healing process. They focus all their energy on getting better, and that’s exactly what Stanley has been doing. We are not completely out of the woods with Stan’s over all wellness yet. He still needs to be adjusted more frequently just like most patients in the beginning of care.

Not only have I noticed a huge difference in Stanley’s overall confirmation and movement, but in his emotional state as well. He has been calmer and much more obedient. There is a lot to be learned from my little guy’s ordeal. Across the board chiropractic has the capability to change lives and it does if you let the body heal itself.

-In health Dr. Loni ……and Stanley






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