Another Reason to Quit

There seems to be no shortage of reasons to kick the habit of smoking, but here is one that directly affects your chiropractic care.  Research indicates that smokers are not only at an increased risk of back pain but they also have an increased risk of disc degeneration.

Spinal discs are like soft tissue cushions between the vertebrae.  They allow for movement and flexibility while providing stability and space for the spinal nerves to exit.  These discs can become injured from lifting and twisting, trauma or “wear and tear” from SUBLUXATIONS (poor spinal alignment).  They also can be negatively affected by smoking.

It appears that smokers are at a greater risk of premature disc aging than the average person due to the toxic effects of nicotine.  Research indicates that nicotine may cause cell damage within the nucleus and annulus of the disc.  Smoking also causes damage to the blood vessels which supply the discs and joints.  The end result:  smoking can lower the age at which a person experiences disc degeneration by 10 to 15 years!  So for healthy younger looking skin, teeth and spine, take action to quit ASAP!



