Finding Your Niche

We all know that being active and working out are necessary for a healthy lifestyle. All though this is something we are very aware of most of us have a hard time for one reason or another accommodating a work out routine into our busy lives. More often than not we begin to look at an exercise regiment as a burden. So how can we turn this view point around? How can we make working out something to look forward to, something we are excited to reap the benefits of?

When it comes to finding an exercise routine that works for you, remember everyone is different. Everybody’s BODY is different and that is a remarkable and beautiful thing. You may have tried different exercise programs in the past that didn’t work for you that’s ok, don’t stop looking. Look for an exercise that fits things you already like, for example if you love to dance and love being social maybe a Zumba or Step class would be great for you. If you are more of a homebody but still love to boogie down maybe an aerobic exercise home video work out would be something you are into. The point is find the environment that you are comfortable in and work out that you are excited about doing again and go from there.

Once you find your exercise niche focus on the long term, try not to give yourself an end date. An example of this would be ” In three months I won’t have to do this anymore because I’ll be at my goal weight”.  Instead change that thinking to “In three months this work out will be so easy I’ll  be able to do that 5k or cool yoga pose I saw.”

Remember the following when starting a new exercise regiment.
1) You are capable of more than you can even imagine.
2) Take your time with your body, if you are out of shape don’t worry there is no end date to your success. You have the rest of your life to improve yourself.
3) Be respectful of your bodies past injuries, find modifications to exercises that work for you.
4) A 15 minute work out is still a work out.
5) Set mini-goals and surpass them.
6) Respect your body, feed it healthy food and allow it to rest.

If you have already found your niche great! If you haven’t this is an exciting time for you, what lies ahead are new experience’s and a healthier you!

-In Health,

Dr. Loni






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