Taking Time

I’ve lived in New Hampshire for two months now and I’m amazed by its beauty.  I love the drive along 1A with the ocean breeze in the air, the sound of the waves along the shore.  I love to drive up 106 to 3-11 and watch the scenery change from forest, to lakes to mountains.  I’ve even seen a moose!  Its easy for me, being a newcomer, to notice the beauty around me.  But I wonder how often do we take the beauty around us for granted? How observant are we to the comings and goings in our daily lives?

Looking at my 3 kids, my youngest just turned 6 this month and my oldest will be 10 next month.  10!  We’ve hit the double digits, which means puberty and girls and puberty and becoming a teenager! (and did I mention puberty?)  Where has the time gone?!?  He used to be so small, now he’s up to my shoulder! (He’s up to my wife’s nose, but we won’t tell her that.)  How easy it is to get stuck in the daily grind and to let time slip by?  How easy it is to think there’s always tomorrow, that things will be better when . . . when I make a little more in my paycheck . . . when I have that promotion . . . when I have that perfect car . . . when I have that perfect house . . . when I have that perfect spouse . . that I’ll have more time when . . .

It’s so easy to take things for granted, including our health.  We’ve been blessed with an amazing body that can heal itself, if we let it.  Despite the neglect, the wear and tear, our bodies are still working.  Can you imagine what would happen if we treated a car the way we treat our bodies?

In the daily grind of living, don’t neglect your health.  Don’t neglect your family’s health.  Take the time to see the beauty of the comings and goings of your every day life.  And I hope you make sure your body is healthy enough to enjoy it.

In Health,

Dr. David






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