Dr. Stephanie… Movie Producer?

Ah, the exciting life of a chiropractor… no really… sometimes it really is exciting!  Last month, I was honored to be credited as an Associate Producer of a movie! 

Of course it isn’t just any movie, it is a movie about CHIROPRACTIC!  What could be better? 
“Doctored” is the latest in a growing number of health focused documentaries.  This film is not about who will pay for our health care.   It asks us a far more important question… what health care we are buying?  Although the US makes up only 5% of the world’s population, we consume over 50% of all the world’s pharmaceutical drugs, while we endure worsening health.
“Doctored” explores various alternative health care options as it follows both patients and doctors from NY to Hawaii, and Alaska to Florida as they struggle with our broken health care system. This film shares the story of chiropractic, highlighting the eleven year lawsuit against the American Medical Association.  (Many of you may not know of Wilkes vs. the AMA which ended in 1987.  It is a fascinating and unbelievable narrative which exposed a decades-long conspiracy of the American Medical Association to “contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession”.)  And of course you can count on a look at BIG pharma in this movie.  The crap that goes on in our health care will blow your mind.
I am pictured here at the world premier in New York City with film director Bobby Sheehan.  Stay tuned to upcoming events at Crossroads Chiropractic because we will be hosting a viewing party!  Hope to see you there!
wishing you happiness and health,
Dr Stephanie
P.S. Details about the film can be found at www.doctoredthemovie.com 


