Have you ever found yourself listening to something and feeling your head tilting to the side much like that of a curious dog, and only able to find the word ‘What?!’ coming out of your mouth? That’s how I found myself reacting to quite a few things today. Actually not just today, but more often lately I feel my head tilt, and I hear myself say What?! And I don’t mean the “what” as in I didn’t hear you, I mean the “what?!” as in “I can’t believe what I’m hearing” type of what.
I’ll share with you the few things that had me in that reaction today. This morning, my husband sends me a text message on his way to work saying he just heard on NPR that there are more deaths from overdoses on prescription drugs than from heroin in the US. What?! We have come to the point in our country that more people are dying from the drugs they get from their doctors than from those illegally obtained on the streets. Not only that, now they are overdosing on the ones from their doctors at a higher rate than those do from illegal drugs. Anyone else having the reaction I had? If that doesn’t clue people in to the fact that our country has a prescription drug problem I really don’t know what will. Seriously, the people in our country take the most medicines of any in the world. And they are dying from doing so. Fact is, the health of our country is pretty low on the overall list of health worldwide, even though we as a country ingest the most prescribed medicines in the world. Time to re-think the way we live everyone.
Here’s another ‘What?!’ moment I had: a co-worker shared with me that she heard on a morning talk show about a new surgery for migraines. (that started the what?! reaction) Apparently this surgery is actually plastic surgery where they do a brow and forehead lift. What?! Plastic surgery to ‘cure’ migraines?? My thought at that moment was ‘What next?’ Well, here’s what was shared next; The medical world is experimenting with a surgical cure for Type 2 Diabetes, which is almost the same as a gastric bypass surgery. What?! And to top off the stream of insane news, apparently now doctors and medical researchers are saying there is a link between obesity during pregnancy and Autism. What?! That’s right folks, there is research being done to try to prove a link between pregnant moms who may gain a little too much weight and autism. Hmmmmm, maybe it’s not the weight pregnant moms gain, maybe it’s the amount of vaccines and medications our children have and are put on from the moment they are born.
I will say though, that hearing all these crazy things makes me love what I do for a living even more. I love how pure and simple chiropractic is; how by removing interference to the nerve system allows the body to heal and function at it’s best. I love the amazing healing stories we hear from our practice members. I love seeing more life and vitality come back into someone’s life, whether they are older or a just a child.