You: Unplugged

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Hopefully you stayed relatively dry! At least the rain can’t put a damper on what’s going on inside Crossroads! March Into Wellness month has been a ton of fun! Keep up on your weekly goals, writing testimonials, attending workshops (some awesome ones coming up!), and referring your friends and family to get their spines checked and those raffle tickets will keep adding up and increasing your chance to win the $250 prize!

Remember in the 1990’s (primarily) when MTV was showing the “Unplugged” concert shows? The “Unplugged” concerts were just acoustic sets, but wrapped and marketed MTV style.  Some the concerts were packaged as CDs and were huge hits. Eric Clapton’s Unplugged record won a boatload of Grammy’s (6), for example and Nirvana:Unplugged was also a huge hit. I remember my dad had Neil Young’s Unplugged album.  The thing is when you think about Clapton in the 60’s with Cream or any Nirvana record, the music was loud and hard, yet when they “unplugged” and went acoustic they had undeniable success. 

The same could be said of us.  The March Into Wellness theme this week is about getting unplugged.  Modern convenience can be great, but we are locked to our cell phones, TVs, iPods, computers, etc. It’s time to go home and live among the 3D people not the 2D folk of the televsion. Social networking sites are really cool and fun, but once in a while we need to make face to face relationships the priority.  We can’t even sit in silence anymore, we always have to have something on.  That’s why we are challenging you to be You:Unplugged.  Sit in silence, enjoy nature, have a face to face conversation, shut off the cell phone and refuse to check it; it doesn’t matter whatever unplugging means to you. We want to challenge you to just spend a hour less watching TV, on the computer, etc.  It is good for your soul, your family, your mind, and your overall well being.

The average kid is now watching 4 hours of TV a day, but not exercising even 30 minutes. This is setting them up for devastating health effects in the future.  As adults we aren’t any better watching, on average 4.5 hours per day.  So according to Nielsen’s (as in Nielsen’s Ratings), if this stat is true then in a 65 year life span you would spend 9 years (9 years!!!!!!!!) watching TV. We all complain about lack of time (I hear this alot in regards to not doing traction….hmmmm)…sounds like we found our solution.  We need to take our lives back, we only get one! Let’s spend it with friends and family, with nature, achieveing your goals and dreams, with things that are real and not a glowing box that gives nothing back. 

It’s up to us to make the choices that are best for ourselves and our families! It’s time we start with the most simple thing. It is free, it is easy, and it will make a world of difference! You:Unplugged; it’s time to make your life what you want it and I think we just found a great starting point!

                                                       In health, Dr. Graham, chiropractor






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