Who Turned the Lights Out!?

Hi Everyone!

Missed all of you when we were off for vacation! It was great to see you all again last week. I know a few practice members remarked that it was too long for them not to have their adjustment! We understand because on our end it felt like a long time not getting to adjust! We love what we do and are so thankful for all of you allowing us to partner with you on all of your health goals!

Anyway,  I was at church this morning and overheard a woman there say that her power was out again at her home this weekend.  Seems like a pretty common theme around here over the past couple of weeks!  Almost everyone lost power, at least for a bit, in their homes and we all got to see how dependent upon modern convenience we really are!  The power problem was so common that it was in the paper in Virginia where my grandparents live! I received a concerned call, of course, as my grandmother assumed we had all turned into popsicles! I appreciate her thoughts, though!

All the power outages led me to think about our own lives and how we spend so much time with our power off! For example you’ve probably heard Dr.Stephanie say post adjustment that, “now your power is turned on!” This is the best thing about getting adjusted!  We, of course, want your aches and pains to go away, but by far the most valuable and important thing that happens when you get adjusted is your power is turned back on! What I mean is that when you have subluxations in your spine the messages (nerve flow) from your brain that goes out to every organ and tissue in your entire body becomes compromised. I don’t want  that for me and I don’t want that for you! We need our nervous system to remain uncompromised so all the systems of our body work to their utmost capabilities! So you see subluxations literally shut down the electrical system of our bodies! That is why when you get asjusted you may hear us say, “your POWER is turned  back on!” Isn’t chiropractic awesome!

Here’s the irony: subluxation wrecks havoc on the electrical system (nervous system) of our bodies, but the power to rid ourselves of subluxation lies in all of our hands, but we just don’t always do the things we need to do to keep our power on!  When we exercise, eat right, do our traction, limit stress, and get all of our needed chiropractic adjustments we take huge steps in eliminating our power problems! Too often we don’t sleep right, eat junk, skip traction, get lazy, and miss our chiropractic appointments…subluxations happen, but we cannot let ourselves be our own worst enemies! I know it can be hard to stay on top of everything, but the rewards of great health are worth it!

The office is having a great month of steps to help you on your journey in March. We are calling it “March Into Wellness”.  Every week will be themed and will have action steps for you to complete and if you do you will earn more raffle tickets for our drawing for a $250 gift card to the store of your choice!

Along with March Into Wellness make sure you are checking out our great workshops!  Usually workshop admission can be expensive, but a great benefit of practice membership is free admission! Speaking of keeping your power on, another great way to do this is to change your environment! A great way to do this is through Feng Shui.  So, be sure to check out our Feng Shui (pronouced fung-shway, heard alot of fin-shooey lately) workshop on Wednesday, March 31st with guest speaker Katie Lyon-Pingree!  Feng Shui “an ancient art and science developed 3000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune of the people inhabiting it” (from about.com).  So check it out!

Have a great week everyone! We will see you around the office when your are getting the power problem solved! Thanks again for being great! It makes the office fun and our lives fun!

In Health, Dr. Graham, chiropractor






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