Love Being Healthy?

Hi Everybody!

Valentine’s Day was this weekend, you were probably aware of this (thanks Hallmark, jewelry stores, etc.), especially if you came to the office this past week and enjoyed the “Valen-spines Day” party. We had a great time/turnout. Lots of great food, decorations, prizes, and fun! Thank you for all of you who came and participated!

 Having been Valentine’s this weekend I found myself thinking about love and how we express it. I mean sure we say, “I love you”, but we also apply “love” to our iPods, ice cream, car etc. Coincidentally, on a side note, maybe we find ourselves doing this, because we only have one word for love in English, but in Greek, for example they have three: philia meaning friendship or enjoyment of an activity, eros meaning erotic between lovers, and agape meaning unconditional and traditionally applied to feelings for children and spouses. 

So how do we really express love? We express it by what we do. Particularly, by giving; giving of ourselves, our time, our resources, our everything.  Having said that I have something I want to ask all of you to do this week.  I want you to love everyone this week: the annoying guy at work, the road raging driver, and even the telemarketer (hard to do, I know!).  Doing this will make the world around you a better place and give you a better outlook, attitude, and sense of peace. On top of all this, if you still aren’t convinced, I want you to do this for your health. 

Rsearchers are now theorizing that giving and loving has actually physical benefits. I was reading about a Harvard study on in which researchers showed people images of Mother Teresa helping the destitute of Calcutta. When this happened those viewing the images, irregardless of whether or not they liked or even respected Mother Teresa, had an increase in IgA antibodies which strengthen our immune systems! Evidently, just witnessing love like this increases immunity. Imagine what participating in love like this can do!

Start small: share a lunch, loan someone parking meter money, read your kid a book even though you’re tired after work. When we start with the small things the habit of giving is gained and builds into big things! Do it for our community, your family, and your health!

In Health, Dr. Graham, chiropractor






One response to “Love Being Healthy?”

  1. Kevin Avatar

    I just found your blog – what a wonderful idea, and one that should be promoted throughout the practice….I had no idea it existed! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with CC events and important topics 🙂 Kevin, Jo & Max

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