Tag: subluxation
Celebrate Healing: Patient Testimonial
Happy New Year! We love to celebrate, especially when we are celebrating healing and improved health and quality of life due to chiropractic care here at Crossroads. Today we are sharing Eryk’s progress. After 14 months of consistent adjustments, Eryk writes: ” My experience at Crossroads has been life-changing. I made my first appointment at…
Workplace Ergonomics for a Healthy Spine
Since computer work has become an essential part of our daily lives for decades now, maintaining a healthy spine has become even more challenging and crucial. Prolonged hours spent in front of a computer can take a toll on our posture and spine health, resulting in misalignments, degenerative disc disease and chronic pain. However, with…
March Practice Member of the Month
Orlando came to Crossroads for help with back pain and headaches. During his initial examination, multiple areas of subluxation (misaligned vertebrae) were discovered as well as a straightening of the normal neck curve. Three months later an ideal forward neck curve was restored to Orlando’s spine following corrective chiropractic adjustments three times per week. Upon…
Why Chiropractic Care Can Benefit Pregnant Moms
Every pregnant woman strives to make the healthiest choices for their developing babies through-out the course of pregnancy. Chiropractic care is quickly becoming a huge choice in having a healthy pregnancy. It’s a no brainer that during the course of pregnancy, a Mom’s body goes through numerous changes. These changes are not only hormonal/biochemical changes…
Sports and Subluxation
When we announced that Crossroads was holding an art contest, I expected we would get some creative entries. Topic choice was “draw yourself getting adjusted” or “draw what causes your subluxations.” While we had some awesome pictures entered, this one caught my eye. There is no doubt in my mind that sports is a…
Ever since I began my journey to lead people to better health I have found myself asking a common question along the way. What exactly is health? Depending on who you ask, what you see on television or which book you consult you are more than likely going to find a different answer. Americans often…
Is That A Bruise?
It must be paranormal. Have you ever wondered if your chiropractor has magical fingers? I’m not talking about how much better you feel after an adjustment. I’m talking about how chiropractors can so adeptly run their fingers over your spine and find the misalignments… without needing to know where or if it hurts. After almost…
Sleep without Subluxation
Everyday activities of life can cause subluxations (misalignments in the spine). Misalignments are like cavities to your teeth, they cause spinal decay. That’s right, subluxation causes spine-rot. It likely comes as no surprise to you that sports, slips, falls and even poor posture can cause the small bones in your spine to shift out of…