Tag: Chiropractic Miracles

  • Miracles Happen Here

    It’s amazing to think that in July, I will have been here a year. It doesn’t seem like it has been that long . . . and it does. It’s funny how time can pass so quickly and still feel like it moves slowly. Looking forward and planning for the future, while trying to accomplish…

  • Dr. Stephanie… Movie Producer?

    Ah, the exciting life of a chiropractor… no really… sometimes it really is exciting!  Last month, I was honored to be credited as an Associate Producer of a movie!    Of course it isn’t just any movie, it is a movie about CHIROPRACTIC!  What could be better?    “Doctored” is the latest in a growing number of health focused documentaries.  This film is not about…

  • Breathe Easy

    After more than eleven years in practice, I have noticed a trend. I can’t explain it, but it happens. It seems that multiple practice members will present on the same day or in the same week with similar problems. For example, one week it may be the “hot-low-back week,” a few unrelated grown men near…

  • Healing Update

    If you’re reading this, you likely have an appreciation for the beautiful healing of which our bodies are capable. There is an intelligence, a piece of the divine, that animates each of us. It is that spirit, that breath of life which animates us, that we call “innate”. Innate Intelligence coordinates and runs our body,…