Category: Dr. Stephanie

  • Two Years Post Concussion

    Some of you know that two years ago my daughter Brooke suffered a serious concussion at the age of 14. She was plagued by ongoing headaches, vertigo, light sensitivity and memory problems for months after her impact. Those months turned into a year. Brooke worked hard to heal her body naturally. She traveled to Atlanta,…

  • Another Reason to Quit

    There seems to be no shortage of reasons to kick the habit of smoking, but here is one that directly affects your chiropractic care.  Research indicates that smokers are not only at an increased risk of back pain but they also have an increased risk of disc degeneration. Spinal discs are like soft tissue cushions…

  • Adjust Your Life

    I can’t believe it’s complete! Together with my co-author Justin Chase, I’ve given birth to my first book! Crazy I know. Writing a book wasn’t even on my radar until Justin approached me with the idea after being personally amazed by the results of his first 6 months getting adjusted at Crossroads. I’ve seen few…

  • The Health Equation

    Taking care of the human body is relatively simple.  We need to provide it with everything that it needs and none of what it doesn’t.  We must nourish it with good food and clean water, provide regular exercise, quality sleep, and positive thoughts. And if you’ve been reading this blog for a while now, you…

  • Setting Goals That Stick

    Setting Goals That Stick

    It’s a New Year, and with that comes the hope of tackling new goals or trying yet again to reach the ones we’ve failed to hit before.  Whether it be losing 15 pounds, taking more time for relaxation or getting ahead at work, there is a secret to motivating yourself to achieve.  And I am…

  • Concussion Awareness Day

    According to a recent study by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, more than half of U.S. adults cannot identify a single concussion sign or symptom, nor do they believe there is any treatment for the injury. We’re hoping this stat improves with the upcoming “Concussion Awareness Day” in New Hampshire on November 10th. In…

  • Happy 120th Birthday Chiropractic!

    On September 18, 1895 D. D. Palmer performed the first-ever chiropractic adjustment on Harvey Lillard, a deaf janitor, in Davenport, Iowa. Palmer describes the incident in his 1910 book The Science, Art and Philosophy of Chiropractic: The Chiropractor’s Adjuster: “Harvey Lillard, a janitor in the Ryan Block, where I had my office, had been so…

  • Subluxation Filled Summer?

    There is no season in which I am more thankful for my chiropractic adjustments than summer! Our warm season passes way too quickly here in New Hampshire and so I feel obligated to pack in every activity possible. I’ll readily admit that some of these aren’t the most spine-friendly. From tubing on Lake Winnipesaukee (read…

  • Sometimes You Just Say Yes

    Do you ever have the sense that you’ve said “yes” to one too many things?  The feeling that you may have too many pots on the stove?  This year I’ve had a few moments like that.  In August I was crowned Ms. America 2014-2015, with responsibilities to travel the country for the next 12 months.  But…

  • It’s Never Too Late: Seniors and Chiropractic

    The majority of Americans over the age of sixty-five take multiple prescriptions daily. Some of these medications are intended to counteract the results of aging as the body begins to break down, but some are prescribed solely to reduce pain. Even if seniors who came in for chiropractic care were only able to reduce their…