Category: Dr. Stephanie

  • Staying Healthy This Holiday Season

    The cold wintery weather is returning.  The holidays are upon us.  It is the season of FOOD.  Now comes the balancing act of enjoying holidays, indulging, but hopefully not putting on the holidays pounds only to resolve to lose them come January.  Sound familiar?   Here are some strategies that might help over the next few…

  • Half Hour to Health – Ron M

    Half Hour to Health – Ron M

    Original Airdate 11.19.16

  • Half Hour to Health – Matt L

    Half Hour to Health – Matt L

    Original airdate 11.12.16

  • Happy Birthday Chiropractic

    This week we celebrate the 121st birthday of chiropractic! It was on September 18, 1895 that D.D. Palmer reasoned that he could use a bony prominence of a vertebra as lever to re-align that same spinal bone which had become racked from its normal position. The patient was Harvey Lillard. He was deaf and that…

  • Half Hour to Health – Tracy Rodgers

    Original Air Date 09.17.2016

  • Supporting Your Adjustments

    Chiropractic adjustments restore balance to your nervous system and improve the structural integrity of your spine and joints.  One major key to healing is consistency in the rhythm of your adjustments.  Just like going to gym on a regular basis to build muscle strength and cardiovascular stamina, following your recommended adjustment schedule leads to corrective…

  • August Practice Member(s) of the Month

    If you’ve been in the office this month, you may have noticed something unusual.  Instead of naming only one Practice Member of the Month, for the first time in Pembroke’s 15-year history we have named TWO!  But don’t worry, they won’t mind sharing the limelight – if you haven’t already guessed from their spinal patterns…

  • Dancers and Chiropractic?

    Saturday morning dance class, it’s the rite of passage for thousands of little girls that has spanned the test of time.  Once upon a time I was one of those tiny dancers, hair slicked back in a bun, black leotard, pink tights.  Learning to point my toes, turning out my feet and walking like a…

  • Summer of the Spine

    So if you haven’t heard, we’re having a summer photo contest. Not just any contest, one that celebrates all of the fun things you can do with a healthy spine! Water skiing, swimming, surfing, hiking, running, paddle boarding, rock climbing, kayaking, trampoline-ing (is that a word!?)… what are your plans for enjoying the six weeks…

  • Are You Passing on Your Spine to your Children?

    When taking a new patient case history, I often hear, “My mother had arthritis in her spine,” or “My father always had back pain.”  Many practice members start chiropractic care because they don’t want to age the same way their parents did.  They wonder whether or not they inherited their back problems from their parents,…