Category: Dr. David

  • Potential

    I love fall! Its my favorite time of year. I love the briskness in the air and the smell of campfires. Wrapping in a blanket with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Fall is the time for apple picking, apple cider donuts, corn mazes, hayrack rides and pumpkin flavored . . . everything. And…

  • Power of Positive Thinking

    I recently read an article called “Positive Intelligence” that stated that a positive mind-set has shown to increase productivity, increase creativity, and improve engagement. So, in other words, you do your best with less stress – don’t dwell on the negative. When we dwell on the negative, we get discouraged, or we become depressed and…

  • There’s Joy In The Journey

    Recently I took a trip, with my family, to the Midwest to visit family and friends, whom we haven’t seen in a year. This meant that we were driving, since our trip encompassed multiple states with multiple stops. A week long whirlwind trip for five in a car. Well, thankfully, it was a 7 passenger…

  • Miracles Happen Here

    It’s amazing to think that in July, I will have been here a year. It doesn’t seem like it has been that long . . . and it does. It’s funny how time can pass so quickly and still feel like it moves slowly. Looking forward and planning for the future, while trying to accomplish…

  • Adjusting to Life

    I have survived my first NH winter! I grew up in the Midwest, so I know snow; I know ice; I know frigid, below zero temperatures. I’ve experienced that. But it’s different in NH. I don’t ever recall seeing this much snow at one time. This winter, I have shoveled more snow than I have…

  • Wait

    Have you ever noticed how much we wait? Waiting for the next great book? Waiting for the next great movie? Waiting for your turn in a game? Waiting for the birth of a child? How much time do you spend waiting? Waiting in line: at the coffee shop, at the grocery store, at the traffic…

  • What I’ve Learned…

    I have been with Crossroads Chiropractic for 4 months now.  Never have I been a part of something as passionate and driven as Crossroads Chiropractic.  I’ve been a part of several different chiropractic offices, whether as a patient or as a chiropractor.  Each office had their patient’s health in mind, but none as focused and…

  • Celebrate the Differences

    Celebrate the Differences

    Being a parent, there are things I never thought I’d experience. I certainly never thought I’d get peed on. But I think that’s a right of passage for all parents. There are also certain things I never thought I’d say: “Stop licking your brother!” “Stop throwing yourself down the stairs!” (I promise, we are good…

  • Changes

    I love this time of year – that time in between the sweat of the summer days and the shiver of the winter nights.  I love this time of transition.  When the leaves change to their various hues of reds, oranges and yellows.  When the days become shorter and the nights longer.  This time signifies…

  • Taking Time

    I’ve lived in New Hampshire for two months now and I’m amazed by its beauty.  I love the drive along 1A with the ocean breeze in the air, the sound of the waves along the shore.  I love to drive up 106 to 3-11 and watch the scenery change from forest, to lakes to mountains. …

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