Tess says “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” Chiropractic wellness care makes sense. We must take good care of our spine and nerve system on a regular basis to have our best health. When was your last check-up?

Here’s what some of our practice members had to say:
“I have had chronic lower back pain and would go to a chiropractor when it got really bad, but then I would stop when I felt “better”. I had heard about Crossroads for years on the radio and thought being adjusted regularly would benefit my overall health… I am starting to walk/stand more upright and have noticed less back pain. When I do an activity that used to bother my back for days. I now recover in hours… In five months my kids have noticed I am walking straighter. I feel safer also when I am walking. I look forward to my adjustments. I say its as good as my first cup of coffee.”
– Ron P.
“Savannah was diagnosed with asthma at about 9 months old and has allergies so I was looking for another way to help her without using medication. In such a short time I can see the difference in her. She’s off of two of her medications and she seems happier. For the first time in a long time she can breathe.”
– Mom of Savannah E. age 4“I’m on my third year at Crossroads Chiropractic. I live 30 minutes away…making the trip is worth every minute. Wish I had started when I was younger.”
– Sue S. age 58“I have had back trouble since high school…and was just living with it. After my first adjustment I felt like a totally different person. I hopped right off the table and immediately noticed a difference in my back as well as my breathing.”
– Laurie S. age 53“I had a lot of neck and back pain from a bad fall that I took 10 years ago. I decided to try chiropractic for my pain since physical therapy had not helped. After getting adjusted for a couple months my pain was much less – the longer I came to be adjusted the better I felt.”
– Elizabeth W. age 51“I can walk better and my balance is 100% better and it doesn’t hurt to move!”
– Sylvia D.I had tried chiropractic before, but it was not an organized program such as Crossroads. I have significantly fewer episodes of hip pain, rarely have pin-pricking pains in my back and I sleep much better without discomfort.
– Cheryl J.Several years ago I was thinking seriously about changing professions, not because I wanted to, but because I was in almost constant pain from my work… My sister recommended Dr. Stephanie to me and within just a few visits I began noticing a dramatic change. I was starting to be pain free and my energy level was astounding! I was hooked! I’ve been to many of her workshops and I feel like the whole experience of chiropractic wellness has given me a new lease on life.
– Elinor Y.Within 1 month of beginning treatment, not only had my back troubles dramatically eased, but a hip that had been diagnosed as “arthritic” had cleared up also.
– Peter T.It has been 4 months now since I started getting adjusted and the results are nothing short of a miracle! I am back to running a few times a week and my ankle pain is nearly gone.
– Julie R.As a teacher I would frequently pick up head colds from my students. I would average 6 colds / year. Since I started chiropractic care, I rarely get sick, and if I do, it is for a much shorter time.
– Abby C.After suffering for many months with chronic headaches, facial pain and blurred vision, I first came to see Dr. Stephanie for help. I had seen my physician and a neurologist, been through a CAT scan and three MRIs, and had been given very few answers. The only thing they were able to tell me was that I was suffering from a flair-up of the 5th cranial nerve, with the exact cause unknown…After an examination and review of my x-rays, Dr. Stephanie was able to show me the probable source of nerve activity and developed a long term plan for corrective action… Within 3 weeks I saw results and was able to discontinue the use of the prescribed medication. For the first time in a long time, I began to feel better – more like myself.
– Waneta F.Dr. Stephanie I have been feeling much better since I started seeing you… My neck used to ache all the time after I had a motocross accident. And I used to have lots of growing pains in my legs. I am running faster and have more energy.
– Matthew D.I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease in 2005…I didn’t think I had enough money for Chiropractic, but I had to try something. The doctors just kept prescribing drugs that gave me horrible rashes and caused liver damage. My back caused me so much pain I was really missing out on life in general… After going for adjustments three times a week for about two months, it would take a book to describe how much better I truly feel. Of course my back pain is not completely gone, but the radicular pain in my leg is. When I first went to Crossroads, I was limping and dragging my foot. I first noticed how much it was helping when after only 8 adjustments, I caught myself running up stairs.
– Angela E.After coming here for 5 months I feel so much better. My neck doesn’t hurt as much and I don’t get as many colds. I can sit for long times now without my back hurting.
– Sam D.From the moment (my son) was born he had severe colic. He would cry for hours and had problems with all bowel movements… After Dr. Stephanie adjusted him just once he became a different child he was happy he wasn’t spitting up all the time, he began having regular bowel movements, he stopped crying in pain, and he also started turning his head, which I never noticed he wasn’t until he started doing it.
– Mr. and Mrs. M.We would like to affirm the positive benefit of having regular, preventative chiropractic treatments for all ages especially as seniors. Both of us have been under Dr. Stephanie’s wonderful care and positive attitude for over three years and we definitely have shown improvement in our flexibility, strength and overall well-being.
– Betty and Warren P.I was constantly assaulted with shoulder, neck and head pain and migraines were becoming an every weekend occurrence for me. It was my back injury that brought me to Dr. Stephanie, but an end to daily head pain and weekend migraines has been the greatest blessing of all.
– Wendy J.This has been a great experience. I’ve used other chiropractic services before on an as needed basis, basically when I had to crawl into their office. With preventative care I receive from Crossroads Chiropractic, I no longer worry about the splitting pain that occasionally put me on my knees when I tried to tie my shoes.
– Robert I.
Please don’t wait any longer. Call us to make an appointment for your spinal check-up today!
224-4281 It could change your health, and your life!