My chiropractic story:
I was introduced to chiropractic at a young age while working at a horse farm on the New Hampshire seacoast. Although I was not the patient, I started to see the amazing effects of Chiropractic care through the horses. Horses that had chronic issues with lameness or decreases range of motion began to move with ease and grace. I was often in charge of the barns “problem child” horses, these were the ones that were a little to sassy for their own good. They often had a wide range of issues, anywhere from behaviorally to muscular skeletal problems. It was with the my problem children I saw the biggest changes through Chiropractic care. On the days after being adjust my problem children would be perfect angels picking up on even the lightest of ques during our training sessions, walking out to the paddocks like a lady/gentleman, and actually being playful when stall work had to be done (not trying to bite my limbs off). I noticed the benefits for chiropractic care right away and I continued to notice, the horses improvement with each adjustment. I remembered thinking hey this stuff really works! It took me longer then it probably should have for me to make the connection to, “Hey maybe I should try getting adjusted”.
At the age of 17 I was lucky enough to find a subluxation based practice that did a great job of educating each patient about what Chiropractic really is and what it really works with THE NERVOUS SYSTEM! I loved the philosophy of Chiropractic care, by removing subluxations from the spine (or as I like to think of it, the super highway form your brain to body and body to brain) it allows the bodies own innate healing power to heal itself. The concept was so simple that my interest was peaked. By my third year of working on my Bachelors in Biology at Keene State College I knew I was going to go to Chiropractic school. The more I learned about the human body the more clear it became how amazing it’s inborn intelligence was. I knew that becoming a Chiropractor meant three more years of non-stop school and that it would be hard, but being able to work along side the most amazing machine in the world, THE NERVOUS SYSTEM seemed like an offer I could not refuse.
It was a long journey to get here, but I wake up every day loving what I do, and the best part is the journey has just begun!
In health,
Dr. Loni