What Direction Are You Going?

It’s a bit funny how we, humans, seem to fear change.  We love things to be stable, consistent, and normal. We dig in our heels on this concept to the point of being detrimental. We find a routine that works, even if that means less than ideal to our goals, dreams, and health.  For example. A common template used for daily routine seems to be: wake, rush around, work, home, crash with food/TV/computer, sleep….lather, rinse repeat.

The irony is that for people there is no such thing as stagnation or no change. You are always changing, either getting better (healthier, happier, becoming the person you want) or worse (unhealthier, farther from your ideal).  No change is the same as moving backward.

We want to encourage you to take a moment and evaluate. Is your life, health, and daily situation what you want? Are you the person you want to be? Are you achieving or deferring? Seriously, look at this. Are you hanging on by your fingertips or commanding your life? Examine your day, pray about it, and answer honestly.  If you are not where you want to be, then grasping onto your current routine of life in the name of “sameness” or “good enough”, is the same as moving further away from your ideal self.

There is still time to change. Recognizing the situation is the first step to moving forward in positive change. Be brave and boldly set steps up to create the positive change you need. Know that we are here to help. Adjustments help your body feel and function well, but I also believe I think better when subluxation free. More than that we care about you and we support you however we can.  If change is needed, the time to start is now. Don’t wait, move on it now. You deserve to be the full potential version of yourself.

In health, Dr. Graham

PS: an exciting change we recently made was moving the Meredith location into a new office. We thank you for being a part of these amazing changes and a member of our chiropractic family. Truly thank you! On March 15th we are having a grand opening party, please come and celebrate with us. All are welcome, your friends and family included. Stay tuned for further details, we look forward to celebrating with you!



