Covid-19 Vaccinations

Covid-19 vaccinations….boom, clickbait! Got your attention! By now we all know that vaccines are a hot button topic. Everyone seems to not only have an opinion but an  extremely strong one at that. But let’s put that aside and agree on one thing: the best way to face any immune system challenge is to have a better, stronger immune system. So put aside your vaccine opinions and make yourself  stronger no matter what with the following tips from the University of Maryland medical system. All of the following have been shown to boost your immune system.

  1. Get regular exercise. It takes 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise.  That is just under 22 minutes per day.  And we don’t need to get fancy here.  It can be a well paced walk. Bonus, exercise improves basically everything from physiological health, weight, and IQ.
  2. Eat a healthy diet. It’s not rocket science. You don’t need a fad diet. I promise. You do not need to be perfect. You do not need to starve yourself.   Just switch out most of the processed food and fast food options for things that grow in the earth, walk on the earth, or swim in the sea.  Eat more fruits and vegetables. Shop the outside aisles of the market.  Do not overthink it.  Do not make it hard. 
  3. Maintain a healthy weight. Okay, I’m not going to be judgemental on this.  I have always been an individual better built for tackling running backs than running marathons. So we are not talking about having to be a stick. And by now we all know maintaining a healthy weight for overall health is important.  According to the World Health Organization in 2020, 2.8 million deaths were overweight or obesity related! Want to talk about a different kind of pandemic? But for the purpose of immune function and Covid consider this: the CDC has said that 78% of all people hospitalized with Covid are overweight or obese. So if you’re stressed about Covid this may be our best protection.
  4. Get some good sleep. Sleep is obviously good.  Getting rested, feeling good. But did you know sleep and getting enough affects your immune function? It is also when your body repairs itself, consolidates memory, and heals.  So put down your phone and sleep. As a chiropractor I get asked alot about pillows, mattresses, and sleep position.  But honestly, there are answers to those thoughts and questions. None are as important as sleeping, so if you are sleeping well, keep doing what you are doing regardless of those recommendations. 
  5. Reduce your stress. Okay, easier said than done.  But stress reduces your immune function.  So find ways to decrease it.  Exercise, hobbies, or talking to someone.  All are good options.  But carrying stress, overworking, and pushing through are not badges of honor. They are a recipe for breakdown.  And don’t say you can’t change.  You can be proactive and change yourself or your body can break down and do it for you.  It’s always better to make the change before it is forced on you by a health crisis.
  6. Consider your smoking and drinking.  There is nothing wrong with a drink in moderation.  Smoking there is no moderate amount that is healthy.  But drinking in excess suppresses immune function.  
  7. Common sense. This isn’t about Covid.  But all viruses and bacteria, Wash your hands. Regularly.  You don’t even need fancy soaps or antibacterial stuff. Hot water and soap go a long way when used regularly.

Seems like everyone is questioning everything.  And really, that is fair.  The news, the numbers, the stats, the government recommendations seem to change almost daily. So with that in mind, I encourage you to take control of what you can! Your health.  Your function. These you can control and give yourself the best chance to live the life of your choice.





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