Another Crossroads Success Story

Congratulations to June Practice Member of the Month Danny C.

“When I first came to Crossroads Chiropractic, it was years with my family. I stopped appointments for a few years due to moving and a hectic schedule, but in 2020 I decided to better my health.  After making workouts a daily part of my routine for a year, I injured my shoulder at the gym.  I had little range of motion and could not partake in any weight lifting.  This made me make the move to come back to Crossroads Chiropractic.  Along the way, Dr. Stephanie showed me my progress through x-rays.  Within 2 months I was able to start lifting again, and after 4 months, I have full range of motion in my shoulder.  My posture is much better, and my shoulders naturally sit further back when sitting or standing.  Dr. Stephanie and chiropractic care have helped me look more confident and allowed me to keep fitness part of my daily life.  I recommend them to anyone looking to better their health!”  – Danny C. age 30



