Please join us in thanking our troops this Veteran’s Day by writing a note of support. Our goal is collect and mail 1,000 more thank you notes to the troops by the end of November, but we can’t do it alone! We need your help!
We’ve partnered with to let our troops know how much we appreciate them! A Million Thanks is a year-round campaign to show our appreciation for our U.S. Military Men and Women, past and present, for their sacrifices, dedication, and service to our country through our letters, emails, cards, and prayers.
“We received a box full of wonderful cards today from kids all over the country, basically ‘thanking’ our soldiers for answering the call to duty. I must say that some of their personal notes are heart-wrenching. They have wisdom well beyond their years of age. All of these cards, given from the heart, truly lift the spirits of our soldiers. Being 5,000 miles away form home is difficult. These cards make us feel like we have families everywhere.”
– Command Sergeant Major Luce
To date Crossroads Chiropractic has sent over 7,000 letters to American soldiers in conjunction with the non-profit A Million Thanks. Won’t you join our mission? Drop off or mail your thank you note to any Crossroads location. Enlist the help of your friends, family, school, church, work or civic organization!
While there is no deadline, we are always collecting letters, please consider participating by November 30th to be included in the next 1,000 notes for our troops in time for the holidays.