We’ve Got Your Back

We don’t just have your back, we have your whole.

Its a common misconception that Chiropractors are only good at helping relieve back pain, neck pain, and the occasional headache. As many of our Practice members have learned along their journey to health at Crossroads Chiropractic, that chiropractic works on so much more then their pain. Practice members report decrease incidences of getting the flu, decreased use of emergency inhalers, and an increase in energy just to list a few of the many changes that happen with regular Chiropractic care. You may ask, how does what seems like the Doctor pushing on someones back work on the body as a whole?
Well lets explore that question for a minute. Your brain is the master controller that runs your body, it is encased in your skull. At the base of the skull there is a hole that is approximately the size of a half dollar. Through this hole a cable like bundle of nervous tissue exits into the first spinal vertebra and continues through each of the seven cervical (neck) vertebra, into the twelve thoracic (mid-back) vertebra, into the five lumbar (lower back) vertebra and finally ending in sacrum (tailbone). At each joint space between each vertebra this cable (spinal cord) branches off on either side of the joint. Its these branches that allows  the brain to communicate and tell each body system what to do. Your body uses these same pathway to get all the sensory information back to the brain where it can process and figure out what to do next.
When there is a segment misaligned in the spinal column it cause dysfunction in the way the brain can receive and dispense information with the body. When your doctor of Chiropractic adjust a specific segment that is misaligned it allows the nervous system to properly communicate with its corresponding body system.
This is why getting adjusted is so important, not just for your spine but for your WHOLE BODY!
In Health,
Dr. Loni



