Happy New Year!
I hope you had a very happy holiday season. Now that the new year is here, it has got me thinking about the concept that we love new starts. I mean if we have a bad day, then that night we say “tomorrow is a new day”. There is comfort in knowing that we get to try again. That we have the opportunity to makes things as close as possible to the way we want it to be. A new year is that chance on a large scale. My question for you is: are you doing that? Are you shaping your life into what you wan it to be? Or are you letting time/life/your hopes/dreams pass you by? See, you have to understand that there is no such thing as being stagnant or static. You are either moving closer to what you want by going after it or further away from what you want….by doing nothing. You don’t have to do something specifically negative to be moving away from your ideal, doing nothing has the same results.
This year I want to challenge you to more than that. I want to ask you to become who you want to be and are meant to be. The world needs you to be all that you can, because we have enough wasted potential. If that means quitting smoking, losing weight, writing a book, running a marathon, learning to (insert whatever here), etc. then that’s what you need to start working towards. Simply by deciding to try to do this you have changed things and the outcome will come in due time, the decision was the victory. Do not be comfortable in doing nothing, it is time to move forward.
What about health wise? You see health is no different. We often think health is static, but it most certainly is not. If you imagine a long line with “health” on one end and “unhealthy” on the other. Now place yourself on the line. You see you are always moving forward or backward on the line. Fluctuating, transient, mobile…you are not static and neither is your health state. Every time you make a choice (exercise vs lazy, smoke vs quit, organic vs junk, adjustments vs subluxation, natural health vs pills) you move one way or the other on that line. When you look at these choices they are generally small, but they add up and compile and the side you bank more on is the direction you will be moving towards. So if you get adjusted that’s great, but if you are still popping ibuprofen and eating fast food you are not gaining all the ground towards health that you should be.
The point is this: you are in control of more than you imagine. The outcome of your dreams and your health start with your small decisions, but by deciding for the positive you have literally changed yourself and the nature of the world around you. The small positive choices will add up and the benefits will start tumbling in exponentially. It all starts with you. So, there it is. It is a new year…..will it be a new you? It’s your call.
Happy New Year, Dr. Graham, chiropractor