Did You Hear?


Monday is a huge day for us! Monday is the day we are going public with Crossroad’s latest news…we are opening a new office!!!!  The plan has been in the works for awhile, but the actual dream of this office happened a few years ago. It is the vision and brainchild of Dr. Stephanie, who recognized the need for more chiropractic offices practicing corrective care in New Hampshire.  This dream is coming to fruition this August 2010! 

The office will be in Meredith, serving the entire Lakes Region. It is located on route 104 in the Olde Province Common shopping center.  To get there you take exit 23 off of 93 and drive towards Meredith for 7 miles.  We are very excited for this opportunity and to start spreading the beautiful and simple message of chiropractic to more of New Hampshire: chiropractic works because the body heals itself.

Anytime life changes that are positive occur, it almost always involves adding something. A new house, job, kid, spouse, car, etc.  A practice is really no different, it has its own life and narrative and this is the next step in Crossroad’s progression. Dr. Stephanie was by herself on Sheep Davis Rd., employees were added, a move to our current location, and now a move north. I can’t wait to see what unfolds next!

Through this all, one thing stands out. None of this is possible without all of you.  We are excited to get to be a part of your lives and health. This office is a big deal for us, but really it is for you too, because this is your office and move too. You have all been a part of the growth: referring friends and family, coming to workshops, changing lifestyles, and embracing the idea that God has made you and instilled in you a healing power that when allowed to work will endow you with healing that is amazing.  Your support and involvement makes all this possible so thank you, thank you, thank you and congratulations to you all for being healthier, but also for taking part in allowing others to have the opportunity to be healthier as we open another location.  You are amazing!

The bittersweet in all this for me, is that I am so excited for this Meredith office to open, but it also means that I will be seeing less of all of you, as I will be the chiropractor staffing that office.  I will be there Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I will still get to be in Pembroke on Tuesdays, though.  This is a great opportunity and I am so grateful to get to be a part of spreading chiropractic to more people, but I will miss you all very much! I guess that is the growing pains part of growing. 

The Meredith office will be very similar in practice to Pembroke, we will still be a corrective care office that strives to love and serve our community just as much as Crossroads has in the capital area. I invite all of you to come and visit the new location and take a tour. You are always welcome!

 I am honored to get to tell you: Crossroads Chiropractic is now serving two communities, “Crossroads Chiropractic” in the capital area and “Crossroads Chiropractic Lakeside” in the Lakes Region. Remember this is only possible due to all of you, so thank you again!

In Health, Dr. Graham, chiropractor



